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赵超凡 董昊 朱剑琴 程泽源 戎毅

赵超凡,董昊,朱剑琴,等. 基于双向耦合的燃烧室与冷却通道的传热研究[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(3):962-974 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0276
引用本文: 赵超凡,董昊,朱剑琴,等. 基于双向耦合的燃烧室与冷却通道的传热研究[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(3):962-974 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0276
ZHAO C F,DONG H,ZHU J Q,et al. Study on heat transfer of combustor and regenerative cooling channel based on two-way coupling[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(3):962-974 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0276
Citation: ZHAO C F,DONG H,ZHU J Q,et al. Study on heat transfer of combustor and regenerative cooling channel based on two-way coupling[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(3):962-974 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0276


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0276
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51876005,52122604);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(501LKQB2021104005,501LKQB2021146009)


  • 中图分类号: V221+.3

Study on heat transfer of combustor and regenerative cooling channel based on two-way coupling

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (51876005,52122604); The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (501LKQB2021104005,501LKQB2021146009)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    为研究超燃冲压发动机燃烧室与再生冷却通道的耦合传热特性,采用双向弱耦合迭代计算方法,研究燃烧室和冷却通道的特征参数对耦合传热特性的影响规律。结果表明:当量比的增加导致燃烧反应区域和壁面高温区域后移,当量比增大至0.75时,部分壁面高温区后移至超出燃烧段范围,在燃烧室的当量比设计时需考虑冷却通道范围的限制;喷射角度的增大会提高燃烧段壁面平均温度,喷射角度由30°增大到75°时,冷却通道出口裂解率由8%增长到11%;增大冷却剂的工作压力和流量能增强冷却剂的吸热能力,降低燃烧室内壁面温度,最大下降幅度约200 K。


  • 图 1  Hyshot超燃冲压发动机燃烧室结构示意图[13]

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of Hyshot scramjet combustor structure[13]

    图 2  再生冷却通道结构示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of regenerative cooling channel structure

    图 3  正癸烷比热容计算结果和NIST[18]数据库对比

    Figure 3.  Comparison of calculated specific heat of N-decane with NIST[18] database

    图 4  耦合换热结构简化模型示意图

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of simplified model of coupled heat transfer structure

    图 5  燃烧室网格

    Figure 5.  Mesh of combustor

    图 6  冷却通道网格

    Figure 6.  Mesh of cooling channel

    图 7  网格无关解验证

    Figure 7.  Grid independence verification

    图 8  平均流速和正癸烷质量分数计算结果与实验结果

    Figure 8.  Calculated results of average velocity of flow and mass fraction of N-decane with experimental data

    图 9  静压计算结果与实验结果

    Figure 9.  Calculated results of static pressure with experimental data

    图 10  气相燃烧温度计算结果与实验结果

    Figure 10.  Calculated results of temperature with experimental data for gaseous combustion

    图 11  壁面温度和热流密度随迭代次数变化

    Figure 11.  Temperature and heat flux of walls vary with number of iterations

    图 12  冷却通道中心截面正癸烷质量分数

    Figure 12.  Mass fraction of N-decane of central section in cooling channel

    图 13  不同当量比下正癸烷质量分数随剖面位置变化

    Figure 13.  Mass fraction of N-decane varies with position of section under different equivalence ratios

    图 14  燃烧室中心截面静压和密度分布

    Figure 14.  Static pressure and density distribution in central section of combustor

    图 15  不同当量比下燃烧段内壁面温度分布

    Figure 15.  Temperature distribution of combustion section inner wall with different equivalence ratios

    图 16  不同当量比冷却通道中心截面正癸烷质量分数分布

    Figure 16.  Mass fraction distribution of N-decane of central section in cooling channel with different equivalence ratios

    图 17  不同当量比下正癸烷截面平均质量分数分布

    Figure 17.  Average mass fraction distribution of N-decane with different equivalence ratios

    图 18  不同喷射角度下正癸烷质量分数随剖面位置变化

    Figure 18.  Mass fraction of N-decane varies with position of section under different spray angles

    图 19  不同喷射角下燃烧段内壁面温度

    Figure 19.  Temperature of inner wall surface in combustion section with different injection angles

    图 20  不同喷射角下正癸烷截面平均质量分数

    Figure 20.  Average mass fraction of N-decane cross-section with different injection angles

    图 21  不同压力下燃烧室和冷却通道内壁面平均温度及热流密度

    Figure 21.  Average temperature and heat flux density of combustor and cooling channel inner wall under different pressures

    图 22  不同压力下正癸烷导温系数随温度变化

    Figure 22.  Variable temperature dependence of thermal diffusivity of N-decane under different pressures

    图 23  不同压力下正癸烷截面平均质量分数分布

    Figure 23.  Average mass fraction distribution of N-decane under different pressures

    图 24  不同压力下燃烧室沿程截面平均总温相对变化

    Figure 24.  Variation of average total temperature along cross-section of combustor under different pressures

    图 25  燃烧室和冷却通道内壁面平均温度及热流密度随冷却流量变化

    Figure 25.  Average temperature and heat flux of combustor and cooling channel inner wall varies with coolant flow rate

    图 26  不同冷却流量下冷却通道沿程平均温度分布

    Figure 26.  Average temperature distribution along cooling channel under different coolant flow rates

    图 27  不同冷却流量下正癸烷平均质量分数

    Figure 27.  Average mass fraction of N-decane distribution with different coolant flow rates

    图 28  不同冷却流量下燃烧室沿程平均总温相对变化

    Figure 28.  Variation of average total temperature along combustor under different coolant flow rates

    表  1  燃烧室和冷却通道边界条件

    Table  1.   Boundary conditions of combustor and cooling channel

    工况 当量比 喷射角度/(°) 冷却通道压力/MPa 冷却剂流量/(kg·s−1)
    1 0.15,0.35,0.55,0.75 90 3 0.045
    2 0.15 30,45,60,75 3 0.045
    3 0.7 90 3,4,5,6 0.045
    4 1 90 3 0.035,0.045,0.055,0.065
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    表  2  冷却通道出口温度和正癸烷质量分数

    Table  2.   The temperature and N-decane mass fraction of cooling channel outlet

    耦合方式 平均温度/K 正癸烷质量分数
    单向耦合 544.93 0.919 8
    双向耦合 558.69 0.891 3
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