Study on heat transfer of combustor and regenerative cooling channel based on two-way coupling
为研究超燃冲压发动机燃烧室与再生冷却通道的耦合传热特性,采用双向弱耦合迭代计算方法,研究燃烧室和冷却通道的特征参数对耦合传热特性的影响规律。结果表明:当量比的增加导致燃烧反应区域和壁面高温区域后移,当量比增大至0.75时,部分壁面高温区后移至超出燃烧段范围,在燃烧室的当量比设计时需考虑冷却通道范围的限制;喷射角度的增大会提高燃烧段壁面平均温度,喷射角度由30°增大到75°时,冷却通道出口裂解率由8%增长到11%;增大冷却剂的工作压力和流量能增强冷却剂的吸热能力,降低燃烧室内壁面温度,最大下降幅度约200 K。
Abstract:In order to investigate the heat transfer characteristics of regenerative cooling channels and scramjet combustors, a two-way weak-coupling iterative calculation method is adopted. The combustor settings and cooling channel impacts on heat transfer and N-decane pyrolysis were studied numerically using this information. The findings indicate that the burning region and the high-temperature area will move rearward when the equivalency ratio increases. When the equivalence ratio reaches 0.75, part of the high-temperature zone moves out of the combustion section and the cooling channel cannot effectively cool the combustor. Therefore, the limitation of cooling channel should be considered in the design of equivalence ratio of the combustor. Moreover, a larger fuel injection angle leads to an ascent of the average temperature of the wall. The cracking rate at the outlet of the cooling channel increases from 8% to 11% as the injection angle increases from 30° to 75°. The combustor's temperature can drop by up to 200 K as a result of improving the coolant's heat absorption capacity through increased operating pressure in the cooling channel and coolant flow.
Key words:
- scramjet /
- combustor /
- regenerative cooling /
- coupling heat transfer /
- numerical study
表 1 燃烧室和冷却通道边界条件
Table 1. Boundary conditions of combustor and cooling channel
工况 当量比 喷射角度/(°) 冷却通道压力/MPa 冷却剂流量/(kg·s−1) 1 0.15,0.35,0.55,0.75 90 3 0.045 2 0.15 30,45,60,75 3 0.045 3 0.7 90 3,4,5,6 0.045 4 1 90 3 0.035,0.045,0.055,0.065 表 2 冷却通道出口温度和正癸烷质量分数
Table 2. The temperature and N-decane mass fraction of cooling channel outlet
耦合方式 平均温度/K 正癸烷质量分数 单向耦合 544.93 0.919 8 双向耦合 558.69 0.891 3 -
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