Abstract:In this paper, a three-dimensional transition corridor establishment method suitable for tilt-propulsion kind unmanned aerial vehicle is proposed to solve the problem that the dynamic characteristics are ignored and the angle of attack information is missing in the traditional transition corridor, which makes it difficult to be directly used in transition path planning. In order to establish the three-dimensional transition corridor about flight speed, tilt angle, and angle of attack, the proposed method limits the boundaries of lift characteristics of the entire aircraft from the perspective of flight mechanics, the power boundary of the propulsion system from the perspective of energy allocation, and the boundary of flight speed and tilt angle from the perspective of physical constraints. Then, a comprehensive performance function is designed to describe the performance of each flight path point in the corridor. Based on this three-dimensional transition corridor, the pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm is used to complete the search for the optimal transition path. The findings indicate that the three-dimensional transition corridor could serve as a foundation for the transition path planning and more precisely characterize the available flight envelope, which includes information on the angle of attack, performance index, and flight speed in addition to the traditional transition corridor's tilt angle and flight speed. The optimal transition path makes the unmanned aerial vehicle have a good flight effect, the throttle lever of the propulsion system is adjusted smoothly and the amplitude is small, which proves the feasibility of using the three-dimensional transition corridor to guide the transition flight and plan the transition path.
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