Abstract:Targeting the total ionizing dose (TID) effects that micro-satellites experience in space, the traditional spatial mesh division is improved based on the icosahedral space grid method in order to more accurately evaluate the TID of sensitive points in the satellite, realize the optimization of the equivalent evaluation of the sector shielding, and calculate and verify the attenuation of particles through the material macroscopically. Around the calculation accuracy and efficiency, shape models are built for comparison and verification. This approach is more stable and efficient than the optimized equal solid angle partitioning method and the normal octahedron partitioning method. Its calculation speed may be enhanced by 6.4%, making it more appropriate for analyzing complicated shape models. Based on an improved three-dimensional TID evaluation method, targeted TID protection is provided to the shape model, and the protective effect can be increased by 255.1% compared with indiscriminate protection. This method can effectively improve the efficiency of TID evaluation of microsatellites, ensure the reliable operation of sensitive devices in the satellite during the mission period, and provide an important reference for TID protection of microsatellites.
Key words:
- micro-satellites /
- space radiation /
- radiation protection /
- total ionizing dose /
- meshing method
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