Trajectory optimization of CSTBC UAV relay communication systems with no-fly zone constraints
Abstract:The flight path of an UAV has a significant effect on the performance of a UAV relay communication system. To increase transmission reliability, a cooperative space-time block coding (CSTBC) UAV relay communication transmission technique with no-fly zone restrictions is suggested. The outage probability of the UAV relay communication system is theoretically derived, and the UAV flight path is optimized to minimize the system’s outage probability. The UAV relay communication system’s ergodic capacity is also presented. In addition, we established a no-fly zone and provided an evasive mechanism to ensure cooperative UAV flight safety while obtaining the channel’s diversity gain. The simulation findings demonstrate that the cooperative space-time block coding-based UAV relay communication transmission method may get the channel’s diversity gain and enhance the system’s link transmission performance.
表 1 仿真参数设置
Table 1. Simulation parameter setting
参数 数值 MU节点的初始位置坐标/m (500,2500,0) UAV1节点的初始位置坐标/m (1000,4000,350) UAV2节点的初始位置坐标/m (1000,1000,350) BS节点的初始位置坐标/m (4500,2500,0) MU节点的移动速度/(m·s−1) 10 无人机的飞行速度/(m·s−1) 30 禁飞区范围(y轴)/m 2000~3000 仿真时间/s 300 位置更新时间间隔$\Delta t $/s 1 路径损耗因子$ \alpha $ 2.0 MU节点发射功率/dB 150 无人机转发功率/dB 147 中断门限/dB 5 -
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