Construction and application of fault knowledge graph for aero-engine lubrication system
Abstract:Due to the complex structure and function of aero-engine lubrication system, the existing health management system lacks sufficient interpretability and relies heavily on expert experience for fault diagnosis A method for constructing aero-engine lubrication system fault knowledge graph was proposed in this paper. By integrating expert knowledge, the concept of lubrication system fault knowledge graph ontology was designed. With the help of deep learning techniques such as bi-directional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) and conditional random field (CRF), we achieved the automatic extraction of unstructured knowledge. Next, based on the Cosine Distance and Jaccard coefficient, multi-source heterogeneous fault knowledge fusion was realized. In the end, incorporating the constructed areo-engine lubrication system fault knowledge graph, we achieved intelligent question and answer capabilities for lubrication system fault knowledge. The application results show that the knowledge graph technology can realize the utilization of prior knowledge of lubrication system faults and the explanation of fault causes, and has a good application prospect in the field of intelligent fault diagnosis.
Key words:
- aero-engine /
- lubrication system /
- knowledge graph /
- deep learning /
- knowledge questions and answers
表 1 实体相似度计算实例
Table 1. Examples of entity similarity computation
实体1 实体2 Dcosine DJaccard 附件机匣 发附机匣 0.75 0.6 油液分析 油液化验 0.50 0.33 振动值超标 振动值异常 0.60 0.42 滑油泵组 滑油泵 0.87 0.75 滑油压力大 滑油压差大 0.80 0.66 金属屑信号器 金属末信号器 0.83 0.71 表 2 特征核心词
Table 2. Extraordinary key-word
问题分类 特征核心词 原因类 起因、导致、条件、故障树 事实类 组成、连接、是什么、系统、属性 统计类 有多少、集合、统计、总计 解决方案类 怎么办、处置、拆装、监控 预防措施类 提前、应急、保养、预先 表 3 润滑系统故障报告语料示例
Table 3. Corpus example of lubrication system failure report
情况 语料 简要情况 2022年X月X日,XX单位在执行飞行任务时,空中报发动机“滑油金属含量超标”告警,飞行任务停止,飞行员降低发动机转速后安全着陆。 排查情况 ①着陆后,进行发动机滑油光谱分析,发现铁元素浓度值超标;②进一步孔探该发附件机匣内齿轮齿面异常磨损;③检查上次柔轴安装记录发现安装尺寸不够标准。 装备情况 发动机:型号XX;号码XXX;规定寿命XX;总使用时间XX小时XX分;制造厂XXX。
附件机匣:型号XX;号码XXX;规定寿命XX;总使用时间XX小时XX分;制造厂XXX。维修措施 ①更换附件机匣;②故障的附件机匣返厂检查修理;③更换机匣后,清洗润滑系统,更换滑油3次。 表 4 润滑系统故障知识图谱实体数量
Table 4. Entity statistic numbers of lubrication system fault knowledge graph
个 故障模式 故障原因 排查方法 维修措施 预防措施 系统 295 331 240 149 93 3 故障案例 故障影响 故障时间 故障单位 故障单元 262 7 169 20 143 表 5 润滑系统故障知识图谱关系
Table 5. Relationship statistics of lubrication system fault knowledge graph
条 失效原因 发生时间 采取 引起 预防 造成 459 225 212 253 15 214 发生单位 组成 发现 关联 检查 发生 222 198 257 188 116 395 -
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