为解决传统手工切分神经网络模型计算任务并行化方法面临的并行化难度大、训练耗时长、设备利用率低等问题,提出了一种基于深度神经网络(DNN)模型特性感知的任务切分及并行优化方法。结合硬件计算环境,对模型计算特性进行动态分析,获取模型内部相关性和各类参数属性,构建原始计算任务有向无环图(DAG);利用增强反链,构建DAG节点间可分区聚类的拓扑关系,将原始DAG转换为易于切分的反链DAG;通过拓扑排序生成反链DAG状态序列,并使用动态规划将状态序列切分为不同执行阶段,分析最佳分割点进行模型切分,实现模型分区与各GPU间动态匹配;对批量进行微处理,通过引入流水线并行实现多迭代密集训练,提高GPU利用率,减少训练耗时。实验结果表明:与已有模型切分方法相比,在CIFAR-10数据集上,所提模型切分及并行优化方法可实现各GPU间训练任务负载均衡,在保证模型训练精度的同时,4 GPU加速比达到3.4,8 GPU加速比为3.76。
- 深度神经网络模型并行 /
- 模型切分 /
- 流水线并行 /
- 反链 /
- 并行优化
Abstract:In order to solve the problems of difficult parallelization, long training time, and low equipment utilization in the traditional parallelization method of manually partitioning computing tasks of the neural network model, a task segmentation and parallel optimization method based on feature perception of deep neural network (DNN) model was proposed.Firstly, in the hardware computing environment, the computing characteristics of the model were dynamically analyzed to obtain the internal correlation and various parameter attributes of the model, and the directed acyclic graph (DAG) of original computing tasks was constructed. Secondly, the topological relationship of DAG nodes that could be partitioned into clusters was constructed by using augmented antichain, and the original DAG was transformed into an antichain DAG for easy partition. Thirdly, the antichain DAG state sequence was generated by topological sorting, and the state sequence was divided into different execution stages by dynamic programming.The optimal segmentation points were analyzed to divide the model and achieve dynamic matching between the model partition and each GPU. Finally, micro-processing in batches was carried out, and multi-iteration intensive training was realized by introducing pipeline parallelization, which improved GPU utilization and reduced training time. The experimental results show that on the CIFAR-10 dataset, compared with the existing model segmentation methods, the proposed model segmentation and parallel optimization method can balance the training task load among GPUs. The 4 GPU speedup reaches 3.4, and the 8 GPU speedup reaches 3.76 while ensuring the model training accuracy.
表 1 不同模型切分方法在4 GPU和8 GPU上的耗时对比
Table 1. Time consumption comparison of different model segmentation methods on 4 GPU and 8 GPU
模型 GPU数 handsplit_mp 耗时/min cudasize_mp 耗时/s hashrate_mp 耗时/s 本文方法耗时/s VGG-16[33] 4 30 6.76 8.72 0.01 8 >60 7.84 9.34 0.03 ResNet-18[34] 4 35 1.98 2.14 0.07 8 >60 3.02 4.11 0.21 ResNet-50 4 45[36] 2.76 3.56 0.38 8 >60 3.80 6.31 1.17 ResNet-101 4 >60 4.12 5.78 1.20 8 >60 5.89 9.24 3.69 AlexNet 4 >60 7.12 8.45 0.02 8 >60 8.94 10.26 0.01 ResNext-50 4 >60 2.79 3.72 0.41 8 >60 4.97 8.11 1.17 ResNext-101 4 >60 4.53 6.01 1.21 8 >60 6.12 8.37 3.58 Inception-v3[35] 4 >60 2.64 12.25 3.07 8 >60 3.76 6.23 4.12 DenseNet-121[37] 4 >60 1.28 1.59 1.29 8 >60 3.86 4.11 3.73 SqueezeNet1_0[38] 4 >60 2.73 3.59 0.06 8 >60 8.46 4.27 0.20 -
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