睡眠不足、生理节律紊乱是导致交通运输岗位人员疲劳的重要因素,随着值勤“刷脸”技术的兴起,及时识别岗位人员疲劳状态是安全风险防范关口前移的必要举措。为深入探索面部疲劳的三维变化,通过30 h睡眠剥夺实验,基于主成分分析 (PCA) 法融合面部双侧曲率特征,提出皱纹严重程度指数(WSI),结合主观疲劳评估、精神运动警觉度测试和客观心率(HR)监测方法,综合判断受试者的面部疲劳程度。结果表明:在睡眠剥夺条件下,WSI变化和疲劳的波动特征明显,整体呈逐渐升高趋势;30 h实验数据显示,WSI变化和主观疲劳指数、反应时的波动趋势有较强相关性(
P <0.01)和HR的波动趋势有一定的关联性(P <0.05)。基于WSI指数将疲劳划分为4个等级,从三维生理特征的角度验证面部疲劳静态检测的可行性,研究结果为疲劳快速检测技术提供了新思路。Abstract:Sleep deprivation and circadian rhythm disorder are important factors affecting the fatigue of transportation staff. In order to advance the safety risk prevention threshold, it is now vital to identify staff fatigue concurrently with the advent of "face brushing" technology while on duty. This study uses the 30 h sleep deprivation experiment to further explore the three-dimensional changes of facial fatigue. Based on the fusion of facial bilateral curvature characteristics and principal component analysis (PCA), it proposes the wrinkles severity index (WSI), which when paired with the objective heart rate (HR) monitoring method, psychomotor vigilance test, and subjective fatigue assessment, integrated subjects' facial fatigue judgment. The results showed that under the condition of sleep deprivation, the WSI changes and fatigue fluctuated significantly, and the overall trend was gradually increasing. The results of the 30 h trial revealed a high correlation between the change in WSI and the trends in subjective tiredness index, response time (
P <0.01), and HR (P <0.05). Based on the WSI index, the fatigue was divided into four grades, and the feasibility of static detection of facial fatigue was verified from the perspective of three-dimensional physiological characteristics. The results provided a new idea for rapid fatigue detection technology.-
Key words:
- facial features /
- fatigue detection /
- sleep deprivation /
- three-dimensional modeling /
- circadian rhythm
表 1 面部特征点坐标
Table 1. Facial feature point coordinates
mm 序号 x y z 序号 x y z 1 −19.97 28.43 −338.2 6 −22.77 25.61 −338 2 −20.53 27.87 −338.2 7 −23.33 25.04 −338 3 −21.09 27.3 −338.2 8 −23.9 24.49 −338.1 4 −21.65 26.73 −338.1 9 −24.46 23.93 −338.1 5 −22.21 26.17 −338 10 −25.03 23.37 −338.2 表 2 PCA的总方差解释
Table 2. Total variance interpretation of PCA
新特征 成分 总计 方差百分比/% 初始
平方和0.979 1 3.739 3.739 93.485 93.485 0.965 2 0.118 2.95 0.956 3 0.092 2.297 0.967 4 0.051 1.269 表 3 疲劳指标的统计分析
Table 3. Statistical analysis of fatigue index
指标 β 相关性 WSI KSS RT HR WSI 0.971 1 0.904** 0.961** 0.407* KSS 0.887 0.904** 1 0.875** 0.527** RT 0.982 0.961** 0.875** 1 0.404* HR 0.489 0.407* 0.527** 0.404* 1 注:**表示P<0.01,*表示P<0.05。 表 4 基于WSI的疲劳等级划分
Table 4. Fatigue grade classification based on WSI
疲劳等级 WSI 等级描述 具体表现 1 0~0.15 精力充沛 注意程度高,
面部皱纹肉眼不可见2 0.15~0.25 轻度疲劳 注意程度一般,
面部皱纹较浅3 0.25~0.28 中度疲劳 注意程度较低,
面部皱纹加深4 0.28以上 重度疲劳 注意程度极低,
面部皱纹很深 -
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