Analysis of effect of construction process on electrical properties of composite skins
Abstract:Composite materials are increasingly used in modern commercial aircraft skin. However, the poor conductivity makes it necessary to have additional conductive structures to ensure the current flow in the skin. In order to improve the conductivity of the skin and reduce the influence of the bonding between the composite material and the conductive structure on the current path, the skin structure was modeled based on the electrical characteristics of each component structure, and the construction process that may affect the bonding was analyzed by using the analytical method. In view of the changes in the current in the contact surfaces and the overall structural impedance caused by different construction processes applied at different parts of the skin, the influence of the construction process of each structure during assembly on the electrical characteristics of the aircraft skin bonding structure was analyzed. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the appropriate construction process, especially the correct treatment of the resin and oxide film of metal connection on the skin surface, can effectively reduce the influence of overall structural impedance on the electrical performance of the skin and provide some operational suggestions in site-oriented construction.
Key words:
- aircraft skin /
- composite material /
- bonding structure /
- construction process /
- electrical performance
表 1 螺栓与凹形垫圈的尺寸
Table 1. Dimensions of bolts and concave washers
mm 结构 参数 沉头螺栓总长度 18 沉头螺栓螺杆直径 6.4 沉头螺栓头直径 9 沉头螺栓头厚度 0.5 凹形垫圈高度 2.2 凹形垫圈内径 6.45 凹形垫圈外径 19 凹形垫圈厚度 0.4 表 2 各结构件材质及电磁参数
Table 2. Material and electromagnetic parameters of each component
部件名称 材质 电导率/(S·m−1) 延展金属箔 铜 5.998×107 CFRP 碳纤维复合材料 1.5×104 金属氧化膜 氧化铝 0.01 金属连接件 铝 3.03×107 沉头螺栓 钢 4.032×106 凹形垫圈 钛 2.38×106 -
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