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陈冲 葛建辉 徐惊雷 苏鹏 俞凯凯

陈冲,葛建辉,徐惊雷,等. 进口拐角波系对超燃冲压发动机尾喷管的性能影响[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3250-3261 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0768
引用本文: 陈冲,葛建辉,徐惊雷,等. 进口拐角波系对超燃冲压发动机尾喷管的性能影响[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3250-3261 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0768
CHEN C,GE J H,XU J L,et al. Influence of inlet corner wave system on performance of scramjet nozzle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3250-3261 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0768
Citation: CHEN C,GE J H,XU J L,et al. Influence of inlet corner wave system on performance of scramjet nozzle[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3250-3261 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0768


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0768
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11802123)


  • 中图分类号: V231.3

Influence of inlet corner wave system on performance of scramjet nozzle

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (11802123)
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  • 图 1  AW2喷管构型示意

    Figure 1.  AW2 nozzle configuration

    图 2  AW2型喷管计算网格示意

    Figure 2.  AW2 nozzle computing grid

    图 3  文献[16]中数值模拟和实验得到的壁面压力分布对比

    Figure 3.  Comparison of wall pressure distribution between numerical simulation and experiment in reference [16]

    图 4  文献[17]中数值模拟和实验得到的壁面压力分布对比

    Figure 4.  Comparison of wall pressure distribution between numerical simulation and experiment in reference [17]

    图 5  文献[17]中数值模拟和实验得到的湍动能分布对比

    Figure 5.  Comparison of turbulent kinetic energy distribution between numerical simulation and experiment in reference [17]

    图 6  本文中喷管构型示意

    Figure 6.  Nozzle configuration in this study

    图 7  研究中使用的喷管计算网格示意

    Figure 7.  Nozzle computing grid used in this study

    图 8  不同网格尺度获得的下壁面压力分布

    Figure 8.  Pressure distributions on lower walls obtained from different grid scales

    图 9  不同网格尺度获得的下壁面摩擦系数分布

    Figure 9.  Friction coefficient distribution on lower walls obtained from different grid scales

    图 10  喷管流场的实验纹影

    Figure 10.  Experimental schlieren diagram of nozzle flow field

    图 11  典型前后台阶下的流场结构示意

    Figure 11.  Flow field structure under typical forward and backward step

    图 12  上壁面在前台阶作用下和下壁面在后台阶作用下的流场结构示意

    Figure 12.  Flow field structure with forward and backward step on upper/lower wall

    图 13  $ u_{+3\%} $台阶下喷管流场压力和马赫数分布云图

    Figure 13.  Cloud charts of pressure and Mach number distributions in nozzle flow field under step of $ u_{+3\%} $

    图 14  $ u_{-3\%} $台阶下喷管流场压力和马赫数分布云图

    Figure 14.  Cloud charts of pressure and Mach number distributions in nozzle flow field under step of $ u_{-3\%} $

    图 15  上壁面拐角波系下的喷管气动性能变化曲线

    Figure 15.  Variation curves of aerodynamic performance of nozzle under corner wave system of upper wall

    图 16  $ u_{+3\%} $,$ u_{-3\%} $和${u_0}$作用下的壁面沿程压力分布

    Figure 16.  Pressure distributions along walls under$ u_{+3\%} $,$ u_{-3\%} $, and $ u_{0} $

    图 17  $ d_{+3\%} $台阶下喷管流场压力和马赫数分布云图

    Figure 17.  Cloud charts of pressure and Mach number distributions in nozzle flow field under step of $ d_{+3\%}$

    图 18  $ d_{-3\%} $台阶下喷管流场压力和马赫数分布云图

    Figure 18.  Cloud charts of pressure and Mach number distributions in nozzle flow field under step of $ d_{-3\%}$

    图 19  下壁面拐角波系下的喷管气动性能变化曲线

    Figure 19.  Variation curves of aerodynamic performance of nozzle under corner wave system of lower wall

    图 20  $ d_{+3\%}$,$ d_{-3\%}$、$ d_{0}$作用下的壁面沿程压力分布

    Figure 20.  Pressure distributions along walls under $ d_{+3\%}$,$ d_{-3\%}$, and $ d_{0}$

    图 21  ${u_ - }{d_ + }$台阶下喷管流场压力和马赫数分布云图

    Figure 21.  Cloud charts of pressure and Mach number distributions in nozzle flow field under step of ${u_ - }{d_ + }$

    图 22  双侧${u_ - }{d_ + }$与单独${u_ - }$和${d_ + }$作用下的升力变化曲线

    Figure 22.  Comparison of nozzle lift variation under step of $ u_-d_+ $ and corresponding single-sided step type

    图 23  $ {u_+}{d_+} $,$ u_-d_-$,$ u_{+}d_-$,$ u_-d_+ $下的喷管性能变化曲线

    Figure 23.  Variation curves of aerodynamic performance of nozzle under $ {u_+}{d_+} $,$ u_-d_-$,$ u_{+}d_-$, and $ u_-d_+ $

    表  1  计算域进出口流动参数

    Table  1.   Flow conditions of inlet and outlet in calculation domain

    参数 数值
    计算域进口马赫数Main 1.76
    计算域进口静压Pin/Pa 45454.52
    计算域进口静温Tin/K 1 821.97
    环境压力Pe/Pa 3 466.0
    环境温度Te/K 219.57
    巡航马赫数Ma0 5.00
    巡航高度H/km 23.00
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