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孙环宇 杨志鹏 王艺玮 郭琦

孙环宇,杨志鹏,王艺玮,等. 基于自适应参数优化RSSD-CYCBD的行星齿轮箱复合故障诊断[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3139-3150 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0773
引用本文: 孙环宇,杨志鹏,王艺玮,等. 基于自适应参数优化RSSD-CYCBD的行星齿轮箱复合故障诊断[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3139-3150 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0773
SUN H Y,YANG Z P,WANG Y W,et al. Compound fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox based on RSSD-CYCBD by adaptive parameter optimization[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3139-3150 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0773
Citation: SUN H Y,YANG Z P,WANG Y W,et al. Compound fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox based on RSSD-CYCBD by adaptive parameter optimization[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3139-3150 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0773


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0773
基金项目: 国家科学技术支持计划(MKF20210012);国家自然科学基金(51805262)


  • 中图分类号: TH165.3;TP206.3

Compound fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox based on RSSD-CYCBD by adaptive parameter optimization

Funds: Nation Science and Technology Support Program of China (MKF20210012); National Natural Science Foundation of China (51805262)
More Information
  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  自适应参数优化RSSD-CYCBD算法流程

    Figure 1.  Flow of RSSD-CYCBD algorithm by adaptive parameter optimization

    图 2  仿真信号时域波形

    Figure 2.  Time domain waveform of simulated signal

    图 3  仿真信号时域波形和包络谱

    Figure 3.  Time domain waveform and envelope spectrum of simulated signal

    图 4  仿真信号高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 4.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components of simulated signal

    图 5  仿真信号解卷积后高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 5.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components after deconvolution of simulated signal

    图 6  转子齿轮传动系统综合故障实验台

    Figure 6.  Comprehensive fault test bench of rotor-gear transmission system

    图 7  太阳轮轴承外圈故障实物照片

    Figure 7.  Outer ring fault of sun gear bearing

    图 8  太阳轮断齿故障实物照片

    Figure 8.  Broken tooth fault of sun gear

    图 9  测点1实测信号时域波形图和包络谱

    Figure 9.  Time domain waveform and envelope spectrum of measured signal at point 1

    图 10  测点1信号高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 10.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components of signal at point 1

    图 11  测点1处CYCBD解卷积后高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 11.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components after deconvolution by CYCBD at point 1

    图 12  测点2实测信号时域波形图和包络谱

    Figure 12.  Time domain waveform and envelope spectrum of measured signal at point 2

    图 13  测点2信号高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 13.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components of signal at point 2

    图 14  测点2处CYCBD解卷积后高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 14.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components after deconvolution by CYCBD at point 2

    图 15  测点2处MED解卷积后高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 15.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components after deconvolution by MED at point 2

    图 16  测点2处MCKD解卷积后高低共振分量的包络谱

    Figure 16.  Envelope spectrum of high and low resonance components after deconvolution by MCKD at point 2

    图 17  Jetson Nano开发板数据采集与故障分离诊断界面

    Figure 17.  Data acquisition and fault separation and diagnosis interface on Jetson Nano development board

    表  1  仿真信号参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of simulated signal

    $A$ $B$ $\theta $/rad $\phi $/rad $\varphi $/rad ${f_{\text{m}}}$/Hz ${f_{{\text{gear}}}}$/Hz $f_{\text{s}}^{{\text{(r)}}}$/Hz ${A_0}$ $f_{\text{i}}^{({\text{r}})}$/Hz ${f_{{\text{natural}}}}$/Hz $\varepsilon $ $M$ ${T_{\text{b}}}$/s ${f_{{\text{bear}}}}$/Hz ${\text{SNR}}$/dB
    1 1 0 0 0 280 40 16.67 0.3 16.67 2500 0.1 150 0.0111 90.091 −12
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    表  2  单级行星齿轮减速箱齿轮参数

    Table  2.   Gear parameters of single planetary gear reducer

    齿轮 齿数
    太阳轮 21
    行星轮 31
    内齿圈 84
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    表  3  单级行星齿轮减速箱理论故障特征频率

    Table  3.   Theoretical fault feature frequency of single planetary gear reducer

    啮合频率/Hz 绝对旋转频率/Hz 局部故障特征频率/Hz
    太阳轮 行星架 太阳轮 行星轮 齿圈
    500.92 29.82 5.96 71.56 16.16 17.89
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    表  4  6212轴承故障特征频率

    Table  4.   Fault feature frequency of 6212 bearing

    故障类型 特征频率/Hz
    内圈故障 175.68
    外圈故障 122.49
    滚动体故障 80.87
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