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马钰棠 孙鹏 张杰勇 闫云飞 赵亮

马钰棠,孙鹏,张杰勇,等. 基于MDk-DPC的空中目标自动分群方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3219-3229 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0797
引用本文: 马钰棠,孙鹏,张杰勇,等. 基于MDk-DPC的空中目标自动分群方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3219-3229 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0797
MA Y T,SUN P,ZHANG J Y,et al. Aerial target automatic grouping method based on MDk-DPC[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3219-3229 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0797
Citation: MA Y T,SUN P,ZHANG J Y,et al. Aerial target automatic grouping method based on MDk-DPC[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3219-3229 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0797


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0797


  • 中图分类号: V247.5

Aerial target automatic grouping method based on MDk-DPC

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  • 图 1  数据集中各点二维分布

    Figure 1.  Two-dimensional distribution of points in the dataset

    图 2  ρ=e2时,abbc间的欧氏距离和流形距离

    Figure 2.  When ρ=e2 the Euclidean distance and manifold distance between ab and bc

    图 3  不同k值下的密度热分布图

    Figure 3.  Density heat distribution diagram at different k values

    图 4  自适应选取聚类中心方法流程

    Figure 4.  Flow of adaptive selection of cluster centers

    图 5  5种算法在Jain数据集上的结果比较

    Figure 5.  Comparison of the results of five algorithms on the Jain dataset

    图 6  5种算法在Threecircles数据集上的结果比较

    Figure 6.  Comparison of the results of five algorithms on the Threecircles dataset

    图 7  5种算法在R15数据集上的结果比较

    Figure 7.  Comparison of the results of five algorithms on the R15 dataset

    图 8  初始时刻空中目标分布

    Figure 8.  Air targets distribution at the initial moment

    图 9  t时刻空中目标分布

    Figure 9.  Air targets distribution at time t

    图 10  空中目标分群结果

    Figure 10.  Aerial targets grouping results

    表  1  不同伸缩因子下的Jain数据集聚类结果对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of clustering results of Jain dataset with different scaling factors

    ρ 纯度
    e0.5 0.9249
    e3 1
    e10 1
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    表  2  人工数据集基本信息

    Table  2.   Basic information of artificial dataset

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    表  3  人工数据集上的分群结果比较

    Table  3.   Comparison of clustering results on artificial datasets

    数据集 算法 纯度 RI ARI NMI
    Spiral K-means 0.3686 0.5553 0.0030 0.0031
    DBSCAN 1 1 1 1
    DPC 1 1 1 1
    M-CFSFDP 1 1 1 1
    MDk-DPC 1 1 1 1
    Flame K-means 0.8375 0.7267 0.4535 0.4193
    DBSCAN 0.9667 0.9200 0.8408 0.7566
    DPC 1 1 1 1
    M-CFSFDP 1 1 1 1
    MDk-DPC 1 1 1 1
    Jain K-means 0.8365 0.7257 0.4483 0.4428
    DBSCAN 1 0.9698 0.9373 0.8550
    DPC 0.9035 0.8251 0.6438 0.5960
    M-CFSFDP 0.9437 0.8935 0.7684 0.6855
    MDk-DPC 1 1 1 1
    Lineblobs K-means 0.7444 0.7284 0.4077 0.5358
    DBSCAN 1 1 1 1
    DPC 0.7519 0.7345 0.4201 0.5450
    M-CFSFDP 0.8534 0.8318 0.6283 0.7430
    MDk-DPC 1 1 1 1
    Threecircles K-means 0.6254 0.5758 0.1598 0.2298
    DBSCAN 1 0.9766 0.9488 0.9448
    DPC 0.5719 0.4565 0.0659 0.1823
    M-CFSFDP 0.6522 0.5452 0.1697 0.3085
    MDk-DPC 1 1 1 1
    R15 K-means 0.9933 0.9983 0.9857 0.9893
    DBSCAN 0.7317 0.9112 0.5511 0.8852
    DPC 0.9950 0.9987 0.9893 0.9922
    M-CFSFDP 0.9967 0.9991 0.9928 0.9942
    MDk-DPC 0.9967 0.9991 0.9928 0.9942
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    表  4  UCI真实数据集基本信息

    Table  4.   Basic information of UCI real dataset

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    表  5  UCI真实数据集上的分群结果比较

    Table  5.   Comparison of clustering results on UCI real datasets

    数据集 算法 纯度 RI ARI NMI
    WDBC K-means 0.8506 0.7454 0.4811 0.4567
    DBSCAN 0.7996 0.6558 0.3191 0.2851
    DPC 0.7891 0.6666 0.3133 0.3400
    M-CFSFDP 0.8664 0.7681 0.5282 0.5070
    MDk-DPC 0.8822 0.7919 0.5773 0.5459
    Iris K-means 0.8800 0.8679 0.7028 0.7277
    DBSCAN 0.9333 0.8786 0.7063 0.7130
    DPC 0.8333 0.8322 0.6334 0.7174
    M-CFSFDP 0.9067 0.8923 0.7592 0.8057
    MDk-DPC 0.9600 0.9495 0.8858 0.8705
    Wine K-means 0.7022 0.7187 0.3711 0.4288
    DBSCAN 0.6461 0.6258 0.2897 0.4029
    DPC 0.7191 0.7350 0.4070 0.3913
    M-CFSFDP 0.7921 0.7739 0.5054 0.5646
    MDk-DPC 0.8933 0.8654 0.6990 0.7262
    Seeds K-means 0.8762 0.8573 0.6793 0.7023
    DBSCAN 0.7476 0.6861 0.2146 0.4083
    DPC 0.8905 0.8715 0.7227 0.7126
    M-CFSFDP 0.8952 0.8748 0.7170 0.6744
    MDk-DPC 0.8952 0.8766 0.7108 0.7245
    Vowel K-means 0.5511 0.8013 0.3360 0.4692
    DBSCAN 0.6958 0.8165 0.2885 0.4864
    DPC 0.5982 0.7852 0.3214 0.4839
    M-CFSFDP 0.6705 0.8103 0.3936 0.5475
    MDk-DPC 0.7405 0.8328 0.4072 0.5360
    Ecoli K-means 0.8006 0.8340 0.5386 0.5771
    DBSCAN 0.6637 0.7601 0.3937 0.4518
    DPC 0.8065 0.8197 0.5000 0.6039
    M-CFSFDP 0.7679 0.8659 0.6913 0.6710
    MDk-DPC 0.7887 0.8852 0.7316 0.6971
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    表  6  空中目标状态信息

    Table  6.   Air targets status information

    序号 x/m y/m z/m 速度/(km·h−1) 航向角/(°) 群组
    1 4597 9856 4221 959 90 A
    2 4098 10182 4197 934 90 A
    3 3092 11210 4213 967 90 A
    4 3785 9045 4203 980 90 A
    5 2890 8002 4208 942 90 A
    6 9013 24345 4127 931 150 B
    7 9854 24521 3951 964 150 B
    8 9470 23698 4055 954 150 B
    9 11013 10132 4195 980 120 C
    10 10311 9780 4089 979 120 C
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