Abstract:Improving the operation resilience of the terminal is the best way to reduce the loss of people and property in an accident, mitigate the damage, and restore its function as soon as possible. At present, there is a lack of theories and techniques for quantitatively analyzing the resilience of the terminal based on the time-varying process of operation performance indicators. First, a theoretical framework of terminal operation resilience was proposed, with a comprehensive resilience index of the terminal system, which comprehensively reflected the robustness, rapidity, and system performance loss. Then, based on discrete event simulation, the resilience variation law of the terminal operation system under two disturbance scenarios of equipment damage and personnel absence, different disturbance time, and passenger arrival rates was obtained. In addition, two resilience improvement strategies were put forward to improve security check efficiency and equipment redundancy rate. The results show that the system robustness index and performance loss index are negatively correlated with disturbance time and passenger arrival rate. For the two scenarios of equipment damage and personnel absence, improving the security check efficiency increases the comprehensive resilience level of the system from the original 0.325 and 0.054 to 0.834 and 0.913, respectively, and improving the equipment redundancy rate increases the comprehensive resilience level of the system from 0.22 to 0.638.
表 1 仿真区域相关参数
Table 1. Relevant parameters of simulation area
参数 数值 航站楼入口/个 5 自助值机设备/台 28 人工值机设备/台 72 安检通道/条 20 行李安检仪/台 40 仿真区域宽度/m 150 仿真区域长度/m 318 表 2 旅客行为相关参数
Table 2. Relevant parameters of passenger behavior
服务流程 参数名称 服务时间/s 产生比例/% 入口检测 航站楼入口
爆炸物检测uniform(2,3) 咨询服务 咨询时间 uniform(30,90) 5 值机服务 是否自助值机 是,20;否,80 自助值机时间 triangular(30,75,40) 值机核验时间 uniform(15,20) 行李是否托运 是,70;否,30 等待取票时间 uniform(10,15) 办理行李托运及取票 uniform(30,40) 行李是否超重或违禁 是,20;否,80 超重或违禁行李处理 triangular(25,45,30) 安检服务 核验登机牌及证件 uniform(10,15) 旅客准备 uniform(10,15) 人员安检 uniform(30,55) 行李是否合规 是,85;否,15 违规行李检查 triangular(25,45,35) 提取行李 uniform(20,45) -
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