脉冲多普勒引信在受到扫频式干扰时,引信接收机信道被干扰信号饱和从而导致引信出现早炸或瞎火。脉冲多普勒引信通过波形设计及多维度特征识别可以避免因干扰信号而错误启动,但如何在扫频式干扰压制下检测真实目标仍是一个难题。针对上述问题,建立了扫频式干扰作用下脉冲多普勒引信中频信号模型,并提出了基于信号变分分解的引信抗扫频式干扰方法。所提方法利用全变分正则化将中频信号分解为脉冲、低频正弦波和高频噪声3个分量,保留并处理对应目标回波信号的脉冲分量即可检测真实目标。通过仿真验证了方法的有效性,结果表明:所提方法在0~20 dB的干信比条件下仍能有效分离目标回波及干扰信号,大大提高了脉冲多普勒引信在扫频式干扰作用下的目标检测能力。
Abstract:The pulse Doppler fuze experiences sweep-jamming when the jamming signal overloads the receiver channel, causing the fuze to misfire or detonate prematurely. At present, pulse Doppler fuze can avoid false start due to jamming signal by waveform design and multi-dimensional feature recognition, but how to detect the real target under sweep-jamming is still a difficult problem. Aiming at the above problem, the intermediate frequency signal model of pulse Doppler fuze under sweep-jamming is established, and the method of fuze anti-jamming based on signal variational decomposition is proposed. The method uses total variation regularization to decompose the intermediate frequency signal into three components: pulse, low-frequency sine wave and high-frequency noise, and the pulse is retained and processed to detect the real target. The effectiveness of the method is verified by simulation. The findings demonstrate that, even in situations where the jamming signal ratio is between 0 and 20 dB, the approach can still successfully differentiate the target echo and jamming signal. It can also significantly enhance the pulse Doppler fuze's capacity for target recognition in sweep-jamming scenarios.
表 1 脉冲多普勒引信及干扰机参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters of pulse doppler fuze and jammer parameters
载波频率/MHz 采样频率/GHz 采样时间/μs 脉宽/ns 脉冲周期/μs 扫频起始频率/MHz 扫描带宽/MHz 扫描点数 驻留时间/μs 干信比/dB 200 2 11 50 1 190 20 10 1 0 -
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