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李鹏 陈坚强 丁明松 梅杰 江涛 董维中

李鹏,陈坚强,丁明松,等. 高超飞行器热化学非平衡及稀薄滑移流动模拟[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(11):3391-3401 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0870
引用本文: 李鹏,陈坚强,丁明松,等. 高超飞行器热化学非平衡及稀薄滑移流动模拟[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(11):3391-3401 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0870
LI P,CHEN J Q,DING M S,et al. Simulaton of therochemical nonequilibrium and rarefied-slip flows for hypersonic flight vehicles[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(11):3391-3401 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0870
Citation: LI P,CHEN J Q,DING M S,et al. Simulaton of therochemical nonequilibrium and rarefied-slip flows for hypersonic flight vehicles[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(11):3391-3401 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0870


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2022.0870
基金项目: 国家数值风洞工程项目;国家重点研发计划(2019YFA0405203)


  • 中图分类号: V19

Simulaton of therochemical nonequilibrium and rarefied-slip flows for hypersonic flight vehicles

Funds: National Numerical Windtunnel Project; National Key Research and Development Program (2019YFA0405203)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  Orion飞船返回舱计算网格

    Figure 1.  Sketch of structured grid for Orion reentry capsule

    图 2  Orion飞船返回舱在H=85 km条件下激波位置对比

    Figure 2.  Comparison of shock location for Orion reentry capsule at H=85 km

    图 3  H=85 km,Tw=1 184 K时,壁面滑移参数分布

    Figure 3.  Distribution of slip parameters on surface in H=85 km, Tw=1 184 K

    图 4  H=85 km,Tw=1 184 K时,壁面热流分布对比

    Figure 4.  Comparison of flux components on wall surface in H=85 km, Tw=1 184 K

    图 5  Orion飞船返回舱不同高度下计算驻点热流对比

    Figure 5.  Comparison of computed stagnation point heat flux at different altitude for Orion reentry capsule

    图 6  OREX试验飞行器计算网格

    Figure 6.  Structured grid for OREX experiment flight vehicle

    图 7  OREX试验飞行器壁面压强对比

    Figure 7.  Comparison of computed pressure on surface for OREX experiment flight vehicle

    图 8  OREX试验飞行器壁面热流对比

    Figure 8.  Comparison of computed heat flux on surface for OREX experiment flight vehicle

    图 9  OREX试验飞行器不同高度下计算驻点热流对比

    Figure 9.  Comparison of computed stagnation point heat flux at different altitude for OREX experiment flight vehicle

    图 10  类OV-102航天飞机模型

    Figure 10.  OV-102-like space shuttle model

    图 11  类OV-102航天飞机模型的计算网格

    Figure 11.  Sketch of structured grid for OV-102-like space shuttle orbiter configuration

    图 12  迎风面中心线热流分布

    Figure 12.  Heat flux profile along the center line of the windward side

    图 13  壁面处Kn等值线分布

    Figure 13.  Contour of Kn contours on wall surface

    图 14  壁面热流等值线云图

    Figure 14.  Contour of heating rate on wall surface

    图 15  H=89.95 km时,剖面曲线上热流分布对比

    Figure 15.  Comparisons of heat flux on profile curves at H=89.95 km

    图 16  H=96.09 km时,剖面曲线上热流分布对比

    Figure 16.  Comparisons of heat flux on the profile curves at H=96.09 km

    表  1  再入过程典型飞行条件

    Table  1.   Typical flight conditions of reentry process

    高度[21]/km 迎角[21]/(°) 速度[21]/(m·s−1) 密度[21]/(kg·m−3) 静温[21]/K 壁温[21]/K O质量分数 O2质量分数 N2质量分数
    103.14 39.86 7675.57 3.2197×10−7 202.638 322.0 0.0313 0.1864 0.7823
    96.09 39.81 7663.61 1.1431×10−6 189.395 464.0 0.0104 0.2193 0.7703
    89.95 39.78 7648.45 3.4468×10−6 186.867 660.0 0.0018 0.2302 0.7680
    85.70 41.00 7530.00 7.3160×10−6 187.460 852.0 0 0.2330 0.7670
    77.90 40.20 7420.00 2.5630×10−5 202.740 1005.0 0 0.2330 0.7670
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    表  2  全机气动力特性参数对比

    Table  2.   Comparisons of total aerodynamic forces

    高度/km 升力系数CL CL偏差/% 阻力系数CD CD偏差/% 俯仰力矩系数CY CY偏差/%
    无滑移 滑移 无滑移 滑移 无滑移 滑移
    103.14 0.7413 0.7414 0.01 1.1931 1.1907 −0.20 0.091891 0.108430 18.00
    96.09 0.7942 0.7949 0.09 0.9824 0.9787 −0.38 0.089040 0.089720 0.76
    89.95 0.8230 0.8230 0.00 0.8947 0.8936 −0.12 0.084506 0.084442 −0.08
    85.70 0.8778 0.8771 −0.08 0.8930 0.8918 −0.13 0.088543 0.088322 −0.25
    77.90 0.8670 0.8670 0.00 0.8380 0.8377 −0.04 0.078104 0.078040 −0.08
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    表  3  剖面曲线上的热流峰值对比

    Table  3.   Comparisons of heat flux peak on the profile curves

    Qmax/(kW·m−2 偏差/%
    z=0 m z=6 m z=0 m z=6 m
    无滑移 滑移 无滑移 滑移
    103.14 70.0333 38.5233 42.9678 34.3533 −45.00 −20.05
    96.09 143.7270 136.7052 89.4312 79.1976 −4.89 −11.44
    89.95 210.2339 202.8219 157.2112 146.4964 −3.53 −6.82
    85.70 196.5578 192.2128 180.1191 171.5663 −2.21 −4.75
    77.90 279.8960 276.4695 375.7782 366.5698 −1.22 −2.45
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