Optimum design of the strategy of antimissile’s penetration
摘要: 研究了遗传算法在反舰导弹综合突防策略的优化设计方面的应用.反舰导弹的综合突防包括若干个相互承接的环节,首先将反舰导弹的综合突防概率优化问题分解为各个环节突防的条件概率的优化问题,复杂事件得到简化.反舰导弹为了提高突防概率必须做机动,每个环节对应的机动参数取值在一定范围内变化,每个环节的突防概率受到对应的这组参数的影响.选用遗传算法对突防参数进行优化设计.用遗传算法对反舰导弹各个突防环节进行优化设计,找出使每个突防环节突防概率最大的一组参数,进而得到综合突防最优机动参数组合,使反舰导弹的综合突防概率最大.Abstract: An application of genetic algorithms in the optimum design of the strategy of antimissile’s penetration was studied. The integrated process of antimissile’s penetration was divided into several stages; the optimum design of the integrated probability of penetration was transferred into the optimum design of the conditional probability of penetration of each stage. By doing so, the complex process was simplified. The antimissle must maneuver to improve the probability of penetration. The parameters of maneuver of each stage vary within a wide range and influence the probability of penetration. Genetic algorithm was choosen to do the optimum design of the parameters of maneuver. The genetic algorithm was applied in each stage of the penetration, the best group of the parameters which results in the highest probability of each stage was figured out. And then the group of maneuver parameters that lead to the highest probability of the integrated process of antimissile’s penetration was obtained.
Key words:
- probability /
- strategies /
- penetration /
- optimum /
- genetic algorithm
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