Animating virtual human for maintenance simulation with mixing control
摘要: 目前在开展虚拟维修仿真过程中,驱动虚拟人多采用2种方式,一种为沉浸式的虚拟外设控制,另一种为非沉浸式的算法控制.2种方式各有其局限性,为了提高维修仿真的实现效率,提出混合控制的方法及实现结构,即在算法控制虚拟人的仿真过程中插入虚拟外设控制方式,目的在于充分利用这2种控制方法的长处.对混合控制系统结构进行了描述,分析了2种控制方式之间的转换机制,并用实例加以验证.在当前的软硬件技术条件下混合控制方法为实现维修仿真提供了有效的技术手段.Abstract: There are two driving modes used to control virtual human during the process of virtual maintenance simulation. One mode that is called immersion simulation is to use virtual reality device, and the other mode that is not immersion simulation is to use algorithm. The two methods have different limitation, so in order to create maintenance simulation efficiently, the method of mixing control and the structure of implement was presented. The system generates motion of virtual human mainly by algorithm while virtual reality device was also used partly to avoid some complicated algorithms, and the aim is to integrate the two driving modes efficiently in the process of virtual maintenance simulation. The mixing system structure were described and the transferring mechanism between algorithm control and virtual reality device control were presented. At the end a case was applied. On current conditions, the mixing control provides an effective tool for maintenance simulation.
Key words:
- simulation /
- maintenance /
- virtual reality /
- virtual human /
- mixing control
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