Experimental investigation on effects of blade negative bowing in turbine stator cascades
摘要: 在平面透平叶栅风洞中,测量了一种典型透平静叶型直叶片叶栅和叶片弯曲角分别为-10°、-20°的反弯曲叶片叶栅的出口流场和叶片表面静压.定量地分析了叶片反弯曲对叶栅出口二次流、总压损失和气流角的影响,并探讨了叶片反弯曲作用的机理.结果表明:叶片反弯曲在叶片表面特别是吸力面建立了反"C"形压力分布,它是引起叶栅性能和流场变化的主要原因,但叶片反弯曲不能改善叶栅的气动性能.Abstract: The outlet flowfield and static pressure on blade surfaces of the classical turbine stator cascades with straight and -10°、-20° bowed blades were measured in the linear cascade wind tunnel. Effects of blade negative bowing on secondary flow, total pressure loss and outlet flow angle were analyzed quantitatively, mechanism of the effects was discussed as well. The results show that the negative bowing results in the "C" shape distribution of static pressure on blade surfaces, which is the main reason for the variation of characteristics of flowfield, however the aerodynamic performances of cascades can not be improved by negatively bowed blades.
Key words:
- turbine /
- cascades /
- experiment /
- blades /
- bowing
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