Resource dependency based grid resources assignment
摘要: 在网格环境中,每个网格服务都面临着多种资源选择,网格作业中各服务间的关联在某种程度上可映射为资源之间的依赖关系,不同的资源配置将产生不同的服务满意度,由此提出服务资源分配问题SRA(Service Resource Assignment),通过构造资源关系图提出基于树分解的资源分配算法DRA(Tree\|Decomposition based Resource Allocation algorithm),利用该算法求出此问题的正确消元顺序,在多项式时间复杂度内获得该问题的最优解,给出实验结果并提出下一步的研究工作.Abstract: As a component of a grid job, a grid service is required to select suit able resource from global wide providers so that the different resource assignme nts will have distinctive impact on the utility of the job,which results in SRA(service resource assignment) problem.Addressing it a novel method TDRA (tree decomposition based resource allocation algorithm), based on tree- decomposition of grid resource dependency graph ,was choosed to form the correct vertex elemination order on which the variables were iteratively relaxed untill the optimised result was reached. The method indicates the complexity of TDRA i s polynominal instead of exponential,which proves available to solve SRA problem s. As a conclusion the further work of this research was also discussed.
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