Hypersonic aerothermoelastic analysis of wings
摘要: 针对高超声速下翼面的结构、气动和热的耦合动力学问题,提出了热颤振分析的分层求解思路.首先分析结构在热环境下的固有动力特性,然后应用van Dyke活塞理论计算高超声速非定常气动力,最后采用p-k法进行颤振求解.对某高超声速全动舵面和小展弦比根部固支翼面进行了热颤振的分析与比较.计算结果表明,受热后结构的动力学特性和颤振特性均可能发生变化,尤其对于小展弦比根部固支翼面,由于热效应对其扭转刚度影响很大,从而导致弯扭耦合型式的颤振临界速度大幅度下降.Abstract: A hierarchical solution process for thermal flutter analysis is presented to dealing with the aero-thermo-elastic dynamic problems of hypersonic wings. Firstly, the natural dynamic characteristics of structures under thermal circumstances were analyzed. And then the hypersonic unsteady aerodynamics were calculated by using van Dyke piston theory. Finally the flutter equations were solved by p-k method. Numerical calculation and comparison are executed on two wings, one was an all-moved rudder, another was a low aspect-ratio wing with root fixed. The results illustrate that both the natural dynamics and the flutter characteristics of wings may vary duo to aerodynamic heating. Especially for the low aspect-ratio wing with root fixed, as the results of the thermal effect, its torsional stiffness decrease greatly, and so the bending-torsion flutter critical speed declines sharply.
Key words:
- aeroelastic /
- aerothermoelastic /
- hypersonic /
- flutter
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