Study on the Hydromechanical Behavior of Rubber Particles in Vibrated Fluidized Bed
摘要: 为了探讨振动流化床中颗粒的流体力学行为,在振动流化床常温实验装置上,以橡胶颗粒为试料,研究了较低开孔率下振动强度、床层高度、气速等参数对振动流化床床层压降的影响.分析了起始流态化速度随床层高度和振动强度改变的变化规律.并把实验结果同文献中尼龙1010的实验结果进行了对比,得到了有益的结论.对橡胶颗粒振动流化床中流体力学行为的研究可为低温粉碎中橡胶颗粒的低温气固传热研究给出合理的建议.Abstract: For the sake of investigating hydromechanical behavior of particles in vibrated fluidized bed, this paper studies the effects of vibration intensity, height of bed and gas velocity on pressure drop through a model vibrated fluidized bed equipment with rubber particles as sample materials. The variations of minimum fluidization velocity along with height of bed and vibration intensity are also analyzed. A helpful conclusion is obtained by comparing experimental results of rubber particles to those of nylon-1010. The research work of hydromechanical behavior of rubber particles in vibrated fluidized bed can present reasonable advice on cryogenic heat transfer between low temperature gas flow and rubber particles in cryogenic comminution.
Key words:
- fluidization /
- fluid mechanics /
- vibration /
- pressure drop /
- experiment
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