摘要: 机组对飞机的成功操作很大程度上依赖于一套精心编制的飞行员操作程序,不合理或不合逻辑的操作程序可能导致飞行员的违规操作,进而引发飞行事故. 参考波音737NG飞行机组操作手册,分析进近和着陆阶段的任务功能流程后确定了评价指标体系的层次结构;采用德尔菲法对现役飞行员进行两轮咨询,建立了基于安全性的进近和着陆阶段飞行员操作程序综合评价指标体系;对飞行员进行咨询,采用序关系分析法确定了各指标的权重系数;应用模糊综合评价法对飞行员操作程序进行综合评价,得到了飞行员操作程序的评价等级和评价值.提出了一种将功能流程图法、德尔菲法、序关系分析法和模糊综合评价法相结合的飞行员操作程序综合评价方法,并应用于波音737NG飞机进近和着陆阶段的操作程序评价.评价结果说明了该综合评价方法的合理性.Abstract: Mostly by an elaborate set of pilot operation procedures(POP) crew can control planes successfully. Pilot may operate wrong under the inconsistent or illogical procedures,which can cause accident in flight. Normal procedures of approach and landing phases which come from flight crew operations manual of the Boeing 737NG airplane were divided into task function flow,then the hierarchy of index system was confirmed. The comprehensive evaluation index system of POP in approach and landing phases was established by consulting in-service pilots with Delphi method twice. Index weight factors were calculated by order relation analysis. POP was evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and evaluation scales and values were calculated by weight factors and evaluation matrixes. A POP comprehensive evaluation method was proposed with the integration of functional flow diagram, Delphi, order relation analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The method was used in evaluation of Boeing 737NG airplane POP of approach and landing phases. The result indicate the validity and rationality of the comprehensive evaluation method.
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