Safety simulation technology based on finite state machine
摘要: 为了研究系统中事故的动态变化机理,探索事故发展过程中的运动行为,制定正确的应急控制措施,提出了基于有限状态机理论的安全性建模仿真方法.结合Simulink/Stateflow工具开发了面向事故机理与应急过程的建模仿真平台,实现了系统的机理模型、安全状态控制模型以及应急操作模型的有效融合.该平台能实现对人-机-环境综合系统进行动态仿真,为明确事故的动态变化过程和制定应急控制措施提供依据.通过对某舰船舱室事故过程的仿真实例,验证了该方法的有效性和合理性.Abstract: The safety modeling and simulation method based on finite state machine theory was proposed to research the dynamic change mechanism of the accident in system, as well as explore the movement during the accident evolution and establish exact emergency treatment. The modeling and simulation platform for accident mechanism and control process was developed in the environment of Simulink/Stateflow. The combination of system mechanism model, safety state control model and emergency treatment model can be achieved in this platform. Therefore the dynamic simulation for such systems that integrated with human-machine and environment can be implemented in an effective way. Then the simulation results can be obtained, which provide reference for the precise identification of the accident process and the establishment of exact control treatment. Finally the accident simulation example was given, which proved the validity and rationality of this proposed method.
Key words:
- safety /
- simulation /
- finite state machine /
- Simulink /
- Stateflow
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