Cost efficiency analysis of attack UCAV
摘要: UCAV(Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle)具有高隐身、高机动、不涉及飞行员以及全寿命周期费用低等特点.针对UCAV的特点,应用适应现代作战飞机效费比分析的方法和手段,仿真计算了UCAV的隐身、作战半径、机动能力以及武器装载等主要设计参数与对地攻击效能的关系,计算了UCAV主要设计参数与全寿命周期费用的关系,研究了未来UCAV同有人作战飞机及巡航导弹在面临相同的威胁环境、执行相同的对地攻击任务时的效费比情况,并对UCAV在未来作战中的地位进行了分析.研究表明,UCAV在执行对有防空系统保护的敌重要目标进行攻击的任务时,综合效费比高于巡航导弹和有人隐身飞机.Abstract: The uninhabited combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) has its special characters of high stealth,high maneuverability, unmanned, and low life circle cost etc. Considering the features of the UCAV, and utilizing the method used in the modern aircraft cost efficiency analysis, the relationship between the main design factors, such as stealth, radius of action, maneuverability and weapon payloads, and the combat efficiency of attack UCAV was simulated. The effects of the main design factors on the life cycle cost of attack UCAV was calculated. The differences of cost efficiency among UCAVs, cruise missiles and manned aircrafts at the same threaten situation and at the same attack mission were studied. The UCAV-s position in the future war was analyzed. The study draws a conclusion that the cost efficiency of UCAVs is higher than that of manned aircrafts and cruise missiles in term of fulfilling suppression enemy air defenses mission.
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