Key factors analysis of wall-climbing robot
摘要: 介绍了一种基于负压吸附方式的小型爬壁机器人.详细介绍了机器人的负压发生装置,并根据负压控制过程中经历的负压形成和负压保持两个过程定性的分析了风机转速与负压值之间的关系,同时找到了密封气囊与壁面之间的间隙高度是影响机器人吸附稳定性的关键因素.在满足机器人稳定吸附的前提下,从能耗的角度分析了机器人密封气囊和驱动轮之间的压力分配关系,得到负压值、压力系数、机器人质量、密封气囊摩擦系数以及驱动轮摩擦系数之间的关系.从转弯性能的角度分析了机器人的移动机构.最后通过实验验证以上理论推导.Abstract: A kind of negative pressure wall-climbing robot was proposed. Analysis the relationship between speed of vacuum motor and negative pressure which based on courses of pressure form and pressure keep, and found that interspace height between airproof gasbag and wall was the key factor influencing on the stability of robot. The pressure distribution which between airproof gasbag and drive wheels shows relationship with negative pressure, pressure coefficient, weight, airproof gasbag friction coefficient and airproof gasbag friction coefficient. Analysis locomotion mechanism of robot from swerve performance. Experimental results validate the theory.
Key words:
- negative pressure /
- wall-climbing robot /
- pressure distribution
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