Service-oriented business process modeling language
摘要: 通过对现有业务过程建模语言的分析指出了其对面向服务支持的不足,以可视化过程建模语言VPML(Visual Process Modeling Language)为基础,提出了一种面向服务的可视化过程建模语言VPML-S,并提出了该语言的概念设计框架,简述了其通用的建模元素;使用UML类图设计了该语言的元模型,在此基础上建立了语言的形式化模型;分析和评估了VPML-S中的服务元素所提供的将活动映射为Web服务的面向服务功能,嵌入子过程元素所提供的多个业务过程之间的复用机制,管道元素所提供的多个业务过程的协作机制以及VPML-S和其它语言所建立的业务过程模型的互操作支持机制;评述了VPML-S的可视化图符替换、元模型扩展机制;最后通过一个网上购物流程实例说明VPML-S为面向服务的环境下的业务过程复用、协作和互操作提供了有效的支撑.Abstract: Through analysis of the existing business process modeling languages, their lack of service-oriented support was indicated. A new service-oriented visual business process modeling language VPML-S was proposed based on the existing visual process modeling language (VPML). The conceptual design framework for VPML-S was proposed and its general modeling elements were outlined. The meta-model for VPML-S was designed by using UML class diagram, and its formal model was established on this basis. The service-oriented function provided by service element, the reuse mechanism between business processes provided by nested sub process element, the collaboration mechanism between business processes provided by pipeline element and the interoperability support mechanism between VPML-S business processes and business processes established by other languages were analyzed and evaluated. Visual icons replacement mechanism and meta-model expansion mechanism provided by VPML-S were discussed. Finally, an online shopping flow example was presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the VPML-S for business process reuse, collaboration and interoperability in service-oriented environment.
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