Modeling of single track vehicle′s dynamics based on co-simulation
摘要: 为研究单轨车辆的动力学特性,建立了驾驶员-车辆闭环协同仿真模型.该模型由2部分组成,其中车辆多体模型采用Adams软件建立,而基于"单点预瞄最优曲率模型"理论的驾驶员模型在Matlab中建立.分别设计了双移线和蛇行行驶工况,对模型进行协同仿真.结果表明该驾驶员-车辆闭环模型可以较好地跟随所设定的路径,证明了模型的合理性.所建立的协同仿真模型为研究单轨车辆的动力学特性提供了一种有效手段.
- 单轨车辆 /
- 计算机仿真 /
- 驾驶员-车辆闭环模型
Abstract: To investigate the dynamic characteristics of single track vehicles, a driver-vehicle closed-loop co-simulation model was built. The model consists of two parts: a multi-body dynamic model built in Adams and a driver model built in Matlab based on the theory of ′single point preview optimal curvature model′. The paths for the slalom test and the lane change test were designed respectively according to ′Test procedure for vehicle′s handling and stability simulator′. Co-simulations with the driver-vehicle closed-loop co-simulation model were undertaken, and results show that it can well follow the paths. So its rationality could be validated. The co-simulation model built provides an effective measure for research of the dynamic characteristics of single track vehicles. -
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