CBR methodology application in fault diagnosis of aircraft
摘要: 基于案例推理(CBR,Case-Based Reasoning)方法是一种基于经验知识进行推理的求解方法,适合于经验丰富的领域.针对飞机售后服务过程中积累的大量故障诊断和维修经验,将CBR方法应用于飞机故障诊断和维修决策支持.从飞机维修的需求出发,分析了CBR飞机故障诊断方法的基本过程;讨论了飞机故障案例库的构建、案例表达、案例检索、匹配、案例修改和维护等关键技术;重点研究了故障案例的知识表达,应用字符型字段匹配和K-近邻方法(KNN,K-Nearest Neighbor)相结合的检索模型实现了案例检索和匹配;提出了辅助飞机故障诊断系统的结构,开发了原型系统并给出应用实例.Abstract: CBR(case-based reasoning) is a problem solving technique of using previous experience and cases to find a solution to new problems, which is suitable for those areas of experience-rich. CBR methodology was applied to the fault diagnosis and maintenance decision support of aircraft due to the abundant repair experience accumulated in after-service of aircraft. According to the requirement of aircraft maintenance, the research into the method of aircraft fault diagnosis using CBR was conducted and key techniques, including the case base development, case representation, case retrieval, adaptation and retain, were investigated. The case representation was discussed in detail, and a case retrieval model of combining the character field match with the KNN(K-nearest neighbor) method was established and applied. A framework of aircraft fault diagnosis system was proposed. The prototype system was developed and an application example was given.
Key words:
- case-based reasoning /
- aircraft maintenance /
- fault diagnosis /
- KNN strategy
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