Bearing capacity and ductility of reinforced concrete columns with Z-shaped cross-section
摘要: 针对目前异形结构技术规程中没有明确Z形柱设计的技术规定,基于双向压弯钢 筋混凝土构件截面的非线性分析和编制的相应分析程序,对钢筋混凝土Z形柱正截面极限承载 力和延性进行了数值分析.研究了轴压比、荷载角、配筋率、混凝土强度、肢长厚比等因素 对双向压弯钢筋混凝土Z形柱正截面极限承载力、延性的影响,给出无量纲的正截面极限承载 力的曲线和曲率延性与各种影响因素的关系曲线.得出一些有益的结论:Z形柱正截面极限承 载力受轴压比、荷载角、混凝土强度、纵筋配筋率、肢长厚比的影响较大,箍筋配筋对正截 面极限承载力影响不明显;轴压比是Z形柱截面延性的最主要影响因素,而肢长厚比对柱延性 影响不大.Abstract: Against there is no design specification for reinforced concrete (RC) columns with Z-shaped cross-section in the technical regulation of structure w it h special shaped columns, the bearing capacity and ductility of RC Z-shaped cro s s-section were computed by utilizing the nonlinear analysis of RC cross-sectio ns subjected to biaxial bending and compression and its computer program. Some fact ors affecting the bearing capacity and ductility of RC Z-shaped cross-section, were researched, for example ratio of axial compression, loading angle, reinfor ced ratio, concrete strength and ratio of limb length to limb thickness, and some c urves of the bearing capacity and ductility were drawn. Some favorable results were obtained: the bearing capacity is mainly affected by ratio of axial compres sio n, loading angle, concrete strength, long reinforced ratio and ratio of limb len gth to limb thickness mainly affect, and hoop reinforcement has little affect. r atio of axial compression is the most important affect factor for the ductility, but there is a little affect for the ductility from ratio of limb length to lim b thickness.
Key words:
- reinforced concrete /
- bearing capacity /
- ductility
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