Numerical study of aeroheating predictions for hypersonic reentry bodies
摘要: 基于跟踪流线的轴对称比拟法,采用纯工程算法、Euler数值计算与边界层内工程算法相结合的方法,对高超声速再入钝头体的表面热流进行了计算,并将计算结果与风洞实验数据进行了对比,两者吻合较好,验证了两种工程算法在计算高超声速飞行器热环境方面的正确性.将两种工程算法与数值求解N-S方程进行对比,表明工程算法在迎风面的热流计算方面有较高的精度,节约了计算时间,很好地满足高超声速飞行器概念研究和设计的需要.Abstract: In order to calculate the heating rates on hypersonic blunt bodies quickly and effectively, two engineering methods were developed based upon the axisymmetric analogue which required tracking the inviscid surface streamlines. Engineering predictions in the boundary layer were used in both methods. However, method No.1 used engineering predictions out of the boundary layer, and in method No.2 the boundary-layer edge conditions were determined by the CFD method solved by Euler equations of three dimensions. Results of the two methods are in good agreement with the existing experimental data, which validates the correctness of the methods in calculating the heating rates on hypersonic vehicles. Results of these two engineering methods were also compared with those of CFD method solved by N-S equations, which indicates that the engineering methods save much calculating time and also have precision on predicting the heating rates on windward.
Key words:
- heating rate /
- hypersonic /
- numerical simulation /
- engineering code
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