Multi-channel Chirp Scaling algorithm for high-resolution multi-channel antenna space-borne SAR imaging
摘要: 在分析经典条带成像算法在处理高分辨率多通道天线星载SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)回波信号方面局限性的基础上,提出适用于高分辨率多通道天线星载合成孔径雷达的多通道Chirp Scaling成像算法(MCCS, Multi-channel Chirp Scaling Algorithm).该算法利用补偿滤波器组来实现从高分辨率多通道天线星载SAR回波数据到传统条带SAR回波数据的等效转换,利用Chirp Scaling原理实现精确聚焦,进而从根本上摆脱了分布相位中心(DPC,Displaced Phase Center)等效条件对高分辨率多通道天线星载SAR的约束.最后通过计算机仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性.Abstract: Based on the analysis of the limitation that exists in the traditional imaging algorithms when processing the echo of high resolution multi-channel antenna space-borne SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar), a novel MCCS(multi-channel Chirp Scaling algorithm) for high resolution multi-channel antenna space-borne SAR imaging is developed. The algorithm uses a filter banks to realize the conversion fromthe echo of high resolution multi-channel antenna space borne SAR to the echo of strip map SAR. When the filter banks are designed properly, the conversion is strictly equivalent. the ambiguity that caused by inadequately sampling can be completely avoided, and the dependence on DPC(displaced phase center) equivalent condition can be completely removed. But when using the traditional imaging algorithms, the DPC equivalent condition should be strictly satisfied. Then using the Chirp Scaling principle to accomplish imaging, and the precise focusing picture can be realized. Finally, the computer simulation showed the validity of the algorithm.
Key words:
- synthetic aperture radar /
- high resolution /
- radar echo /
- imaging algorithm
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