Analysis on characteristics of CO2 removal system of multi-cabin human spacecraft
摘要: 多舱段载人航天器通常由主控舱段利用舱间通风对组合体空气环境参数进行集中控制.利用Ecosimpro建立了一种多舱段载人航天器CO2去除系统性能仿真分析模型,包括舱体模块、乘员模块、CO2净化模块、舱间通风模块,并对三舱段载人航天器CO2去除系统性能进行了计算分析.结果表明,当净化装置进风量为0.007 2 kg/s,非主控舱段驻留人数达到6人时,会造成非主控舱段CO2分压超出700 Pa的指标上限.此时增大舱间通风量对降低非主控舱段CO2分压的效果并不明显,有效的控制方式是增大净化装置进风量.当净化装置进风量增加至0.011 3 kg/s时,非主控舱段CO2分压可降至700 Pa以下.该工作有助于加快载人航天器空气环境控制系统的设计和改进流程.Abstract: Air environment of human spacecraft with multi-cabin is usually controlled by one core cabin through inter-cabin ventilation. An integrated simulation model of CO2 removal system of human spacecraft with multi-cabin was developed with Ecosimpro, including cabin sub module, crew sub module, CO2 removal sub module, and inter-cabin ventilation sub module. Using this simulation model, the characteristics of CO2 removal system were analyzed. According to the results, when crew number in cabins without CO2 removal equipment is up to 6 and air flux into CO2 removal equipment is maintained at 0.007 2 kg/s, CO2 partial pressure of cabins without CO2 removal equipment is beyond upper limit of 700 Pa. In that case, CO2 partial pressure could not be improved effectively by increasing inter-cabin ventilation flux. However, when air flux into CO2 removal equipment is increased from 0.007 2 kg/s to 0.011 3 kg/s, CO2 partial pressure of cabin without CO2 removal system is reduced below 700 Pa. The work is helpful to accelerate the process of design and improvement of air environment control system of human spacecraft.
Key words:
- human spacecraft assemble /
- pressurized cabin /
- air environment /
- inter-cabin ventilation /
- CO2 removal
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