Abstract:The development of hypersonic vehicle is a process of multi-product and small-batch production. In order to reduce the cost of experiments and decrease the period of the modeling of hypersonic vehicles, model migration method is used to calculate the aerodynamic parameters of the vehicles with similar shapes. First, a method for assessing the similarity degree of hypersonic vehicles is explained. If the similarity of the hypersonic vehicles is sufficient, the model migration method will be used in the modeling of the new vehicle. Then the first model migration for the new vehicle will be expatiated using the aerodynamic parameters of the base vehicle based on the hypersonic similar law. The method of offset correction will be applied if the result of the first model migration cannot meet the precision requirement. Finally, in order to eliminate the influence of hypersonic viscosity, hypersonic boundary layer theory will be used to calculate the aerodynamic parameters of different altitude. The effectiveness of the model migration in modeling the vehicles with similar shapes is verified by the simulation.
表 1 新飞行器的实验数据
Table 1. Experiment data of new vehicle
编号 α/(°) Ma h/km CDn CLn 1 0 10 40 0.107 9 -0.2170 2 7 10 40 0.1336 0.4424 3 14 10 40 0.4410 1.4230 4 0 12 40 0.1015 -0.2195 -
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