Abstract:Focusing on the fuel control law of the small size turbofan engine DGEN380, a steady and transient component-level mathematical model was developed and simulated on MATLAB platform with analytic method. A special tool was used for modeling the rotating parts in order to get the components characteristics and draw the maps which can show the current operating point/line. In the steady model simulation process, the Newton-Raphson method and genetic algorithm were evaluated and compared for solving the working equations of the engine. The basic model was modified to overcome the limitations of simulation in the genetic algorithm. The Euler method was used to calculate the differential term for the transient model simulation. Based on the model, the fuel control law was studied, and the altitude characteristic was described as an example. The experimental results show that the Newton-Raphson method has high accuracy and speed, while the genetic algorithm has better adaptability with the model modification. The simulation results of the model and the control law fit the test data and theory well, as the error is maintained below 3%.
表 1 Newton-Raphson法、遗传算法仿真结果
Table 1. Simulation results of Newton-Raphson method and genetic algorithm
方法 nl/
(r·min-1)πf πc πhpt πlpt Newton-Raphson法 42 798 50 653 1.16 4.56 2.28 1.93 遗传算法 42 919 50 712 1.17 4.56 2.30 1.92 实际值 42 830 50 687 1.16 4.57 2.27 1.93 -
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