Abstract:In order to solve the problem of the existing dynamic fault tree analysis method, such as state space explosion, low computational efficiency and limited application range, a method for dynamic fault tree analysis based on sequential binary decision diagram is proposed. First, dynamic logic gates are transformed into logic gates with sequential events. Next, sequential binary decision diagram model and Boolean operation with sequential events are presented. Then, failure paths of dynamic fault tree are obtained by sequential binary decision diagram and extensional Boolean operation. Finally, probability calculations for sequential events with multi-unit are deduced. With a certain ammunition as an example, considering the imperfect coverage problem, the dynamic fault tree is analyzed under the situations of exponential and non-exponential distribution. The results show that this method has the advantages of high efficiency, high accuracy and wide applicability, which provides a theoretical basis for the reliability analysis of complex dynamic systems.
表 1 本文方法与基于马尔可夫模型方法的系统可靠度
Table 1. Reliability of the system by proposedmethod and Markov-based method
t/h R(t) 本文方法 马尔可夫模型方法 5 000 0.951 0 0.951 0 10 000 0.903 7 0.903 7 30 000 0.729 6 0.729 6 50 000 0.577 8 0.577 8 100 000 0.321 6 0.321 6 表 2 本文方法与基于蒙特卡罗仿真方法的系统可靠度
Table 2. Reliability of the system by proposedmethod and Monte Carlo simulation method
t/h R(t) 相对误差/% 本文方法 蒙特卡罗仿真方法 5 000 0.963 4 0.963 4 0 10 000 0.927 2 0.927 2 0 30 000 0.784 3 0.784 4 0.01 50 000 0.647 2 0.647 4 0.03 100 000 0.357 2 0.357 5 0.08 表 3 本文方法与基于蒙特卡罗仿真方法的运算时间
Table 3. Computation time by proposed method andMonte Carlo simulation method
方法 本文方法 蒙特卡罗仿真方法 运算时间/s 24.894 0 48.093 7 -
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