Ultrasonic imaging method for distribution uniformity of reinforcement in SiCp/Al composites
Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy for ultrasonic characterization of the uniformity of SiCp/Al composites, the imaging methods based on ultrasonic attenuation and velocity for the distribution uniformity of SiCp particles were studied. SiCp/Al specimens with different volume fractions of SiCp were prepared. Ultrasonic attenuation imaging for the specimens was carried out by water immersion ultrasonic system, and the relation of ultrasonic attenuation with SiCp volume fraction was analyzed. The quantitative relation of ultrasonic velocity with SiCp volume fraction was analyzed experimentally, and ultrasonic velocity imaging of the specimens was carried out. Metallographic method was used to observe the micro characteristics of the specimens, and the material uniformity of the specimens with different SiCp volume fractions was analyzed. The applicability and accuracy of the imaging methods based on ultrasonic attenuation and velocity were comparatively analyzed. The results present that the ultrasonic attenuation imaging method is suitable for the basic analysis of the distribution of SiCp particles, and the ultrasonic velocity imaging method is more accurate and suitable for the quantitative analysis of SiCp particle distribution.
Key words:
- aerospace /
- metal matrix composite /
- SiCp particle /
- material uniformity /
- ultrasonic imaging
表 1 不同SiCp体积分数的SiCp/Al试样中测得的超声纵波声速
Table 1. Ultrasonic velocities of longitudinal waves measured in SiCp/Al specimens with different volumn fractions of SiCp
试样编号 Z-55 Z-51 Z-53 Z-52 Z-54 SiCp体积分数/% 10 15 20 25 30 超声纵波声速/(m·s-1) 6 865 6 884 7 018 7 052 7 090 -
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