Abstract:To meet the self-navigation need of light-weighted robots, e.g. small UAV, we propose a multi-dimensional geometric feature extraction method for monocular SLAM. Feature points based SLAM mapping method is vulnerable to noisy samples and its description efficiency of complex environments needs to be increased. This method introduced the line and plane features to the three-dimensional map building process. It improved the monocular SLAM application system's key frame matching speed and overall stability. A rapid line matching algorithm was implemented, and three-dimensional lines were drawn by two-dimensional lines matching. Traditional space points based J-Linkage method drove its preference set's dimension high, and then remarkable calculation cost was needed for clustering points with multiple models, which is common during monocular SLAM mapping process. An enhanced J-Linkage algorithm was presented for feature plane extraction. With the combination of multi-dimensional geometric features, the reliability monocular SLAM system's mapping process was improved. The representative redundancy of the SLAM applications was reduced.
Key words:
- SLAM /
- monocular vision /
- geometrical clustering /
- light-weighted robots /
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