Optimization of inspection and repair of multi-state system under imperfect characteristics
Abstract:For repair optimization of system with periodic inspection, we need to not only consider the system reliability information, but also make full use of the inspection data and optimize the inspection period. A multi-state parallel repairable system was taken as the research object, and the system inspection and repair optimization were realized considering the imperfect inspection and imperfect repair with the objective of reducing operation cost rate. System reliability model was established by non-homogeneous Markov chains, and Monte Carlo simulation was carried out for system degradation, detection and repair. Particle filter was used for fusing the system model and inspection data, and the residual life of the system was estimated. Life related thresholds used for triggering repairs were set, and simulation results of the expecting cost rate were used as the objective function for a genetic algorithm to achieve optimization of the inspection period and the thresholds. It is proved that this method can effectively overcome the inspection error and achieve the optimization of system repair and inspection.
Key words:
- multi-state system /
- repair optimization /
- imperfect inspection /
- particle filter /
- genetic algorithm
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