Abstract:The stability and controllability characteristics of flying wings are much different from those of conventional airplanes. This difference is prevalent in crosswind take-off and landing. To ensure flight safety in these circumstances, this paper conducts calculation and analysis of trim and response characteristics in crosswind take-off and landing for flying wings. From these, the differences between flying wings and conventional airplanes are derived, with the conclusion that the roll-over is the most serious problem for flying wings taking off or landing in crosswinds. The control efficiency requirements of innovative control surfaces on flying wings during take-off and landing are analyzed based on the control surfaces' control and usability characteristics. Two control strategies commonly applied to flight in crosswind conditions are simulated and compared; a suitable one for flying wings is proposed.
表 1 横航向气动导数对比
Table 1. Comparison of lateral aerodynamic derivatives
飞机 Ccβ Cnβ Clβ |Cnβ/Clβ| 算例飞翼 -0.003 -0.007 -0.09 0.078 A-4D -0.03 0.26 -0.13 2 F-16 -0.02 0.17 -0.25 0.68 注:Ccβ—侧滑角引起的侧力系数; Cnβ,Clβ—航向、横向静稳定导数。 表 2 侧风配平结果
Table 2. Trim results in crosswind
配平参数 V/(m·s-1) Vw/(m·s-1) ϕ/(°) δr/(°) δa/(°) 数值 60 15 0.4 -17.3 -9.9 注:V—飞机飞行速度;Vw—侧风速度。 表 3 侧风情形力矩系数
Table 3. Coefficients of moments in crosswind
参数 V/(m·s-1) Vw/(m·s-1) Cn Cn_c Cl Cl_c 数值 60 15 0.046 0.129 0.439 0.693 表 4 侧风起飞舵面配平结果
Table 4. Control surface deflection trim results during take-off in crosswind
配平参数 VR/(m·s-1) Vw/(m·s-1) δe/(°) δal/(°) δar/(°) δr/(°) 数值 60 15 -20 -26.2 -10.1 -9.2 表 5 侧滑法着陆舵面偏角计算结果
Table 5. Rudder deflection angle calculation results during landing with sideslip method
参数 H/m V0/(m·s-1) Vtd/(m·s-1) Vw/(m·s-1) δa/(°) δrl/(°) δrr/(°) 数值 100 85 70 15 10.2 40.2 28.6 表 6 偏航法着陆舵面偏角计算结果
Table 6. Rudder deflection angle calculation results during landing with crab method
参数 H/m V0/(m·s-1) Vtd/(m·s-1) Vw/(m·s-1) δrl/(°) δrr/(°) 数值 100 85 70 15 45.2 30.7 -
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