Comparative study of thermal-chemical reaction models on simulation of hypervelocity flow
Abstract:Hypervelocity flow is the high-speed high-temperature flow environment that space vehicles or capsules face when they reenter the atmospheric layer. An expansion tube is one of the few qualified test facilities on the ground to simulate it. Numerical simulation is presented as a powerful assistant tool for hypervelocity flow diagnosis and analysis. Thermal-chemical reaction model plays an important role in simulation of hypervelocity flow. Thermal-chemical reaction models of 5 and 11 species based on thermal equilibrium condition, and 5 species based on thermal nonequilibrium condition are applied on the numerical technique. A comparative study of the influence on the computation for double-wedge test model employed with the above three models has been conducted to evaluate their applicability. The results indicate that 5 species chemical model can meet the test gas simulation requirement, but 11 species chemical model must be taken into account for the acceleration gas. However, if the thermal nonequilibrium phenomenon is strong in the flow, we must employ the thermal-chemical nonequilibrium model to guarantee the reliability of the numerical simulation.
Key words:
- hypervelocity /
- expansion tube /
- numerical simulation /
- thermal-chemical reaction models /
- applicability
表 1 试验气流和加速气流参数
Table 1. Flow parameters of test and acceleration gas
气流参数 u/(km·s-1) T/K Ma p/Pa ρ/(kg·m-3) 试验气流 8.0 2 390 7.6 9 524.550 0.011 6 加速气流 8.8 9 335 3.2 9 220.575 0.001 7 注:u—x方向速度;T—温度;Ma—马赫数;p—压力;ρ—密度。 表 2 Dunn & Kang高温空气化学反应模型[20]
Table 2. Dunn & Kang chemical reaction model for air at high temperature[20]
基元数 反应式 1 O2+N=2O+N 2 O2+NO=2O+NO 3 N2+O=2N+O 4 N2+NO=2N+NO 5 N2+O2=2N+O2 6 NO+O2=N++O+O2 7 NO+N2=N++O+N2 8 O+NO=N++O2 9 O+N2=N++NO 10 N+N2=2N+N 11 O2+O=2O+O 12 O2+O2=2O+O2 13 O2+N2=2O+N2 14 N2+N2=2N+N2 15 NO+O=N++2O 16 NO+N=O2+N 17 NO+NO=N++O+NO 18 O+N=NO++e- 19 O+e-=O++2e- 20 N+e-=N++2e- 21 O+O=O2++e- 22 O+O2+=O2+O+ 23 N2+N+=N++N2+ 24 N+N=N++2+e- 25 O+NO+=NO+O+ 26 N2+O+=O+N2+ 27 N+NO+=NO+N+ 28 O2+NO+=NO+O2+ 29 O+NO+=O2+N+ 30 O2+N2=NO+NO++e- 31 NO+N2=NO++N2+e- 表 3 15°~35°双楔粒子摩尔分数峰值
Table 3. Max mole fraction of species for 15°~35° double-wedge
粒子 摩尔分数峰值 N 0.34 O 0.33 NO 0.04 N+ 6.31×10-5 O+ 5.08×10-4 NO+ 4.74×10-4 e- 1.06×10-3 表 4 15°~55°双楔粒子摩尔分数峰值
Table 4. Max mole fraction of species for 15°~55° double-wedg
粒子 摩尔分数峰值 N 0.69 O 0.31 NO 0.03 N+ 1.73×10-2 O+ 6.37×10-2 NO+ 6.29×10-3 e- 7.66×10-2 表 5 15°~35°双楔粒子摩尔分数峰值(加速气流条件)
Table 5. Max mole fraction of species for 15°~35° double-wedge (acceleration gas condition)
粒子 摩尔分数峰值 N 0.77 O 0.21 NO 6.88×10-5 N+ 0.11 O+ 0.05 NO+ 3.55×10-4 e- 0.13 -
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