- 多示例学习(MIL) /
- 目标性测量 /
- 弱分类器选择 /
- 包概率计算 /
- 目标跟踪
Abstract:For the problems that the multiple instance learning (MIL) tracking algorithm does not distinguish the differences of each sample when computing the bag probability and selects the weak classifiers by maximizing the log likelihood function, which reduce the performance of classifier and increase the complexity of the algorithm, this paper proposes a tracking algorithm based on objectness weighted multiple instance learning. First, the importance of each sample is measured by the objectness, which is also used to assign the weight for each instance. Then the weighted value is utilized for computing the final bag probability. In the phase of weak classifier selection, a maximized inner product between weak classifier and log likelihood function is adopted to select weak classifiers from weak classifier pool, and then these weak classifiers are combined into a strong classifier. All these strategies are beneficial for improving the tracking accuracy and reducing the computational complexity. By tracking the video sequences under different complex scenes, experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has strong robustness and high tracking accuracy compared with competing method.
表 1 测试视频序列的特点
Table 1. Characteristics of test video sequences
视频序列 帧数 主要特点 david1 471 遮挡、尺度、旋转及光照变化 trellic 569 旋转、尺度及光照变化,复杂背景 Shaking 365 光照、尺度变化,旋转及复杂背景 Tiger2 365 遮挡,快速运动,复杂背景 deer 71 运动模糊、形变、旋转及复杂背景 carDark 393 光照变化及复杂背景 表 2 平均中心位置误差
Table 2. Average center position error
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