- 时间触发以太网(TTE) /
- 调度算法 /
- 速率约束 /
- 加权轮询(WRR) /
- 网络演算
Abstract:TT messages that have the top priority among three kinds of traffics affect RC message communication inevitably in time-triggered Ethernet (TTE). Therefore, RC messages have to be scheduled among discrete time slices caused by TT message offline schedule table. A modified weighted round robin (MWRR) scheduling method based on optimal time slice was proposed in this paper. Firstly, TT message offline schedule table was calculated satisfying the requirements of TT message constraints in order to get optimal time resources for RC flow transmission; secondly, different kinds of RC flows were scheduled in several time slices and the worst end to end delays were analyzed by network calculus in TTE; finally, experiments show that MWRR algorithm in the paper not only has low complexity, good fairness and feasibility in practical application, but also obtains better real-time performance than first input first output (FIFO), priority queue (PQ) and weighted round robin (WRR) scheduling algorithm.
表 1 TT消息参数
Table 1. Parameters of TT message
TT消息 周期/μs TT1~TT2 2 000 TT3~TT6 4 000 TT7~TT14 8 000 TT15~TT30 16 000 TT31~TT62 32 000 TT63~TT126 64 000 表 2 RC消息参数
Table 2. Parameters of RC message
BAG/μs 消息类型 航空控制类 数据通信类 多媒体 2 000 RC1~RC2 4 000 RC3 RC4~RC6 8 000 RC7~RC9 RC10~RC11 RC12~RC14 16 000 RC15~RC17 RC18~RC20 RC21~RC22 32 000 RC23 RC24~RC25 RC26~RC28 64 000 RC29~RC30 RC31~RC32 表 3 平均端到端延迟
Table 3. Average end to end delay
算法 平均端到端延迟/μs 航空控制类消息 数据通信类消息 多媒体消息 FIFO 2 472.8 2 469.1 2 478.2 PQ 481.4 1 142.1 8 152.6 WRR 1 998.3 2 657.8 3 496.2 MWRR 939.5 965.7 1 057.3 表 4 最坏端到端延迟
Table 4. The worst end to end delay
算法 最坏端到端延迟/μs 航空控制类消息 数据通信类消息 多媒体消息 FIFO 17 713 17 238 17 428 PQ 2 627 9 284 73 880 WRR 14 391 13 590 17 340 MWRR 7 797 8 097 9 553 -
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