Localization and imaging of crack damage in plate-like structures based on vibro-acousic modulation
Abstract:To overcome the shortcomings of linear Lamb waves in closed crack and micro crack monitoring, a imaging method of crack damage localization in plate-like structure based on vibro-acoustic modulation theory and delay and sum algorithm is proposed. The signal components of acoustic wave are analyzed in the crack structure when there is only high-frequency (HF) excitation and there are low-frequency (LF) and HF excitation at the same time. And then, a signal extraction technology is put forward to extract the signal containing damage information. Fatigue crack is located and imaged in plate-like structure based on delay and sum algorithm referring to linear Lamb wave damage localization method. Experiments prove that the proposed method can locate the crack position effectively without the original health reference signal, which provides a way for contact-like damage localization and imaging.
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