Finite element analysis of flow field and temperature field of electro-hydraulic pump by Fluent
介绍三相异步电机-轴向柱塞式电液泵(EHP)的集成结构与工作原理,计算电液泵机械损耗,在Ansoft软件中建立电液泵电机模型,仿真分析电液泵的电磁损耗,并在此基础上建立有限元耦合模型,借助Fluent软件仿真分析液压油在壳体内腔的流动与温度分布状态,以及关键零部件的温度分布。有限元分析结果表明,液压油可以在流道内充分流动,并且额定工作状态下,当进口液压油温度为35℃时,电机定子最高温度不超过58℃,转子最高温度不超过40℃,散热效果好于传统电动机-泵组。针对定子内部温度较高的现象,研究了定子四周打4个直径10 mm的通孔后的温度分布情况,并与打孔前进行了对比,结果表明,打孔后电机定子最高温度降低了0.6℃,局部区域温度降低超过3℃,散热效果改善明显。
Abstract:The integrated structure and working principle of three phase induction motor-axial piston electro-hydraulic pump (EHP) were introduced. The mechanical losses were calculated. A model of EHP was established in Ansoft software, and then the electromagnetic losses were analyzed. Finite element coupling model was established. The flow and temperature distribution of hydraulic oil as well as the temperature field distribution of the key parts were analyzed by Fluent software. The analysis results depict that hydraulic oil can fully flow in internal flow road. The maximum temperature of stator is not more than 58℃, and the maximum temperature of rotor is not more than 40℃ under rated condition when the inlet oil temperature is 35℃. Cooling effect is better than motor-pump sets. The results also show that stator oil hole can obviously improve cooling effect. The maximum temperature of stator is reduced by 0.6℃, and local region temperature is reduced by more than 3℃ when four oil holes with a diameter of 10 mm are made.
Key words:
- electro-hydraulic pump (EHP) /
- flow field /
- temperature field /
- finite element /
- loss
表 1 电机主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of motor
参数 数值 定子外径/mm 290 定子内径/mm 187 转子内径/mm 90 铁芯长度/mm 190 气隙长度/mm 0.6 极对数 2 输出功率/kW 22 表 2 电磁损耗参数
Table 2. Electromagnetic loss parameters
W 损耗类型 数值 定子铜耗 892.93 定子铁耗 432.04 转子铝耗 482.53 摩擦损耗 293.65 杂散损耗 110.00 表 3 柱塞泵主要参数
Table 3. Main parameters of piston pump
参数 数值 Z 9 dz/mm 14.2 μ/(Pa·s) 0.04 Rf/mm 50 Δp/MPa 28 R/mm 92.9 β/(°) 20 ω/(rad·s-1) 1 460 fc1 0.1 fc2 0.1 fc3 0.08 fb 0.002 注:dz—柱塞直径;Rf—分度圆直径。 表 4 机械损耗
Table 4. Mechanical losses
W 损耗类型 数值 黏性摩擦损耗 配流副 335.34 柱塞副 300.84 滑靴副 17.67 滑动摩擦损耗 配流副 46.48 柱塞副 2.10 滑靴副 38.30 滑靴球绞 21.06 油隙摩擦损耗 1 491.60 轴承摩擦损耗 5.73 表 5 材料属性
Table 5. Material property
材料 密度/
(Pa·s)46#液压油 872 1 800 0.13 0.04 硅钢片 7 850 502.4 58.2 铸铝 2 719 871 202.4 碳钢 8 030 502.48 16.27 表 6 热源参数
Table 6. Heat source parameters
参数 体热源 面热源 定子产热率/
(W·m-2)数值 169 445.80 281 531.60 64.85 11 134.87 67 630.48 -
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