- 体系结构 /
- 网络 /
- 弹性 /
- 组件重要度分析(CIMs) /
- 恢复策略
Abstract:System-of-systems (SoS) is always under the influence of both intra and extra disruptive events. SoS architecture is the foundation of SoS design and construction, whose resilience is not only an significant indicator to reflect the ability to recover from disruptions, but also an important embodiment of evolution of SoS. Based on resilience, an effective SoS architecture evaluation method was proposed to conduct component importance measures (CIMs). In the method, the resilience of SoS architecture was defined in detail, relevant mathematical models were built, and influence of performance loss and recovery time on component importance were comprehensively weighed. Then, according to analysis of various disruptive events and recovery strategy, an optimized model for SoS resilience based on CIMs was proposed, and the optimized result of the proposed model on recovery capability of SoS was mainly analyzed. Finally, an example of evaluating resilience of SoS was introduced to validate the availability of the proposed model and method, and the final result shows that the optimized recovery strategy contributes to improving the recovery efficiency of SoS greatly.
表 1 体系性能恢复详情(改变第1级修复顺序)
Table 1. Performance recovery details of SoS (Change the priority of repair at the first level)
编号 重要度排序/修复顺序 体系恢复效率 优化的比率/% 99 2>10>12>7>6 1.350 3 1.95 45 10>2>12>7>6 1.348 8 1.83 111 2>12>10>7>6 1.348 6 1.82 96 12>2>10>7>6 1.347 7 1.75 109 2>12>7>10>6 1.324 5 表 2 体系性能恢复详情(改变第2级修复顺序)
Table 2. Performance recovery details of SoS (Change the priority of repair at the second level)
编号 重要度排序/修复顺序 体系恢复效率 优化的比率/% 25 1>8>3>9>11 1.488 8 12.40 27 1>8>9>3>11 1.488 8 12.40 33 1>3>9>8>11 1.486 6 12.24 31 1>3>8>9>11 1.481 6 11.86 109 11>9>3>1>8 1.324 5 -
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