Abstract:In recent years, the domestic and international earthquake disaster has caused huge losses to human life and property. Massive earthquake disaster information on the Internet can provide the basis for decision support for emergency response and timely rescue, so there is an urgent need for efficient and rapid processing of the disaster information. To study the information processing of the earthquake disaster in the Internet, the seismic event model, webpage object model, etc. were defined, and the convergence of Web information was defined with the limit method. The characteristics of the Internet disaster information dissemination were described. According to the characteristics of the timeliness of disaster information, the Web information extraction algorithm was proposed, which supports dynamic convergence. The method of time series statistics for the change of the disaster information with time was presented, and the information statistic report was formed, which provides the basis for rescue decision making. The intelligent information processing system for earthquake emergency response was designed and implemented. The models and methods were verified in a practical engineering project.
表 1 3种算法查全率、查准率对比
Table 1. Comparison of recall ratio and precision ratio among three algorithms
% 冗余度 查全率 查准率 SNM MPN 本文 SNM MPN 本文 100 80 90 94 83 88 93 200 79 91 96 88 89 95 300 76 90 95 90 90 95 -
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