Separation flow and blade dynamic response characteristic of compressor at high attack angle
Abstract:In order to study the shedding and propagation of compressor rotors at high angle of attack, as well as the dynamic response under this transient process, a model with a stage of transonic compressor was simulated with unsteady numerical method and double direction iteration fluid-structure coupled numerical method. The results show that under near-stall condition, the separation regions at suction side move and shed periodically along axial and circumferential directions. The axial separation may influence the flow field and vibration performance of downstream blade rows, while the circumferential separation can impact the adjacent rotor blade, with an excitation brought on rotor row itself and an influence on the pressure distribution of rotor blades. Furthermore, the circumferential separation may cause violent dynamic response which could threaten the structural strength of rotor blades. Unsteady/FSI simulation technology has the ability to forecast frequencies, amplitudes and locations of the excitation sources in flow field. This kind of work should be emphasized during design procedure to assess the resonance and dynamic response of compressor blades.
表 1 转子叶片材料属性
Table 1. Material property of rotor blades
参数 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 密度/(kg·m-3) 数值 120 0.32 4370 表 2 叶片固有频率与振型
Table 2. Natural frequency and vibration mode of blade
阶数 固有频率/Hz 振型 1 1840 2 3011 3 4865 4 5341 -
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