- 频率步进合成孔径雷达 /
- 虚拟阵列 /
- 后向投影 /
- 快速傅里叶变换(FFT) /
- 空时自适应处理(STAP)
Abstract:Aimed at the problem that frequency-stepped synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images obtained by classic inverse Fourier transform method have a limit on unambiguous range, a new model which takes the pulse sequence of frequency-stepped SAR as an along-track virtual array radar signal and its corresponding imaging method for frequency-stepped SAR were proposed. Meanwhile, unambiguous imaging using modified back-projection method is realized. The virtual array model for frequency-stepped SAR signal was established and the synthesis method of high resolution range profile based on this model was presented. By embedding range migration correction and secondary phase compensation into original back-projection algorithm, a precise two-dimensional image of the target was also obtained. All the results show that the virtual array model based imaging method for frequency-stepped SAR is not restricted by the theoretical limit of frequency-stepped signal's unambiguous range and can get images without range ambiguity for wide swath imaging rapidly.
表 1 仿真参数
Table 1. Simulation parameters
参数 数值 参考载频/GHz 10 子脉冲数目 1 025 天线波束宽度/(°) 1.30 平台高度/km 8.00 总信号带宽/MHz 700 脉冲串重复频率/Hz 333.14 场景大小(距离向×方位向)/(m×m) 200×200 频率步进量/MHz 0.683 子脉冲宽度/μs 1.46 平台速度/(m·s-1) 58.50 参考斜距/km 11.31 占空比 0.50 子脉冲重复频率/kHz 341.46 地距分辨率(距离向×方位向)/(m×m) 0.30×0.36 表 2 本文方法目标点散布函数结果
Table 2. Target point spread function results of proposed method
序号距离向 方位向 PSLR/dB ISLR/dB PSLR/dB ISLR/dB 1 -13.382 0 -9.857 6 -13.277 6 -10.225 8 2 -13.383 5 -9.848 7 -13.303 5 -10.209 2 3 -13.382 0 -9.857 6 -13.277 6 -10.225 8 4 -13.462 5 -9.895 5 -13.283 4 -10.225 7 5 -13.470 1 -9.885 1 -13.326 2 -10.228 3 6 -13.462 5 -9.895 5 -13.283 4 -10.225 7 7 -13.619 6 -9.960 1 -13.292 1 -10.221 3 8 -13.624 9 -9.952 2 -13.306 4 -10.216 5 9 -13.619 6 -9.960 1 -13.292 1 -10.221 3 表 3 经典方法目标点散布函数结果
Table 3. Target point spread function results of classic method
序号距离向 方位向 PSLR/dB ISLR/dB PSLR/dB ISLR/dB 1 -13.310 3 -9.957 4 -13.203 1 -10.218 2 2 -13.312 9 -9.840 0 -13.203 5 -10.218 9 3 -13.314 0 -9.771 2 -13.274 3 -10.221 5 4 -13.300 3 -9.895 5 -13.213 0 -10.217 2 5 -13.387 6 -9.966 4 -13.221 2 -10.220 8 6 -13.320 0 -10.009 0 -13.230 3 -10.217 5 7 -13.310 3 -9.961 9 -13.213 4 -10.221 3 8 -13.390 3 -9.856 9 -13.202 1 -10.220 6 9 -13.319 6 -9.985 4 -13.198 4 -10.219 1 -
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