Abstract:Recovering pulse template is one key technology of X-ray pulsar-based navigation system. Its precision is closely related to the pulsar angular position. First, this paper briefly introduced the theory of recovering standard profile. Then, the impact of pulsar angular position error on pulse template was analyzed and its analytical formula of annual mean value and the integral for any arc segment were derived. Finally, we proposed a feasible way that can significantly decrease the impact of pulsar angular position error. These research conclusions and simulation analysis verify the effectiveness of error compensation method, which could provide reference for optimizing observation task of X-ray pulsars and recovering X-ray pulse template.
表 1 地球轨道根数
Table 1. Orbit elements of the earth
轨道根数 数值 半长轴/AU 0.9999858 偏心率 0.01667835 轨道倾角/(°) 23.44 升交点黄经/(°) 0 近日点黄经/(°) 103.30275 表 2 脉冲星角位置误差引起的系统误差的最大值和年化平均值
Table 2. Maximum value and annual average of system error caused by pulsar angular position error
脉冲星 Max(Δt)/μs Δ/(10-8s) J0534+2200 2.3388 -2.0555 J1513-5908 1.7748 3.8512 J1846-0258 2.6979 -1.7737 J0540-6919 2.5157 -6.4059 J0835-4510 2.5553 -3.6324 J1824-2452 2.2959 0.9289 J1959-2048 2.6756 -1.6696 J0437-4715 2.8082 -7.1214 J0218+4232 2.6231 -4.2932 J1939+2134 2.9625 -5.1393 表 3 选取Crab脉冲星的对称时段进行历元累积与非对称情况对比
Table 3. Epoch accumulation results comparison for symmetric and asymmetric cases of Crab pulsar
时段 所选具体时间段/d 脉冲最终系统误差/μs 对称时段 1~90, 241~330 -0.0398 非对称时段 1~120, 241~330 0.6100 -
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