- 高分辨率遥感影像 /
- 地形辐射校正 /
- 辐射传输 /
- 绝对定标系数 /
- 数字表面模型(DSM)
Abstract:Topographic correction is critical to the accuracy of the earth's surface quantitative remote sensing. Traditional topographic corrective models are not so suitable for high-resolution remote sensing images. In order to address the problem, this paper proposes a topographic correction method based on radiation transfer model and strict control over error sources. High-resolution panchromatic and multispectral images of ZY3-01 satellite were taken as examples to conduct relevant experiments, and the topographic correction of high-resolution remote sensing images was realized with subjective and objective analysis and evaluation. The analysis results show that the problems of poor correction effect without absolute radiometric calibration coefficient in topographic correction of panchromatic remote sensing images can be effectively solved and the detail of high-resolution remote sensing images can also be maintained by the proposed model and method. So it is more suitable for high-resolution remote sensing images than traditional methods.
表 1 资源三号01星遥感影像绝对辐射定标系数
Table 1. Absolute radiometric calibration coefficients for ZY3-01 satellite images
载荷 波段 光谱范围/
μm定标系数增益项 定标系数偏移量 多光谱 Band 1 0.45~0.52 0.233 0 0 Band 2 0.52~0.59 0.216 2 0 Band 3 0.63~0.69 0.178 9 0 Band 4 0.77~0.89 0.194 9 0 全色 Pan 0.50~0.80 0.170 8 0 表 2 多光谱遥感影像校正前后统计特征值对比
Table 2. Comparison of statistical eigenvalues before and after correction for multispectral images
波段 校正前 校正后 均值/
10-2变异系数 均值/
10-2变异系数 1 0.407 0.420 1.032 0.505 0.420 0.832 2 2.339 0.832 0.356 2.529 0.757 0.299 3 2.400 0.655 0.273 2.630 0.579 0.220 4 29.049 5.722 0.197 31.469 5.107 0.162 表 3 全色遥感影像校正前后统计特征值对比
Table 3. Comparison of statistical eigenvalues before and after correction for panchromatic images
统计量 原始图像 C校正法 ATCOR算法 本文方法 均值/10-2 7.59 10.07 8.28 9.55 标准差/10-2 4.36 2.98 2.03 2.10 变异系数 0.574 0.296 0.245 0.220 -
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