N 个子图,使用最小描述长度(MDL)原理并行检测正常模式和异常模式,并行迭代地检测其他子图中的正常结构和异常结构。在多个大规模图数据集上的实验结果表明,检测动态图结构异常准确率达到96%,召回率达到85%,运行时间减少了一个数量级。同时还讨论了滑动窗口大小和并行数量对算法运行时间的影响。-
- 异常检测 /
- 增量 /
- 并行 /
- 滑动窗口 /
- 最小描述长度(MDL)原理
Abstract:Financial fraud behavior, network intrusion and suspicious social actions can be detected by structural anomaly detection in graphs. The existing anomaly detection algorithms require high computational complexity and cannot process large-scale dynamic graphs. So an incremental and parallel algorithm is proposed to discover and detect abnormal patterns in dynamic graphs effectively and efficiently. The whole graph was partitioned into subgraphs by time sliding windows.
N subgraphs in time sliding windows were processed in parallel by minimum description length (MDL) principle to discover both normal and abnormal patterns. Structural outliers can be detected gradually in parallel based on normal patterns. The results of experiments conducted in multiple large-scale graphs show that the precision rate for detecting the abnormal patterns of dynamic graph reaches 96%, recall rate reaches 85%, and running time reduces by an order of magnitude. The impact of the size of sliding windows and the number of parallel on running time of the algorithm is also discussed.-
Key words:
- anomaly detection /
- incremental /
- parallel /
- sliding window /
- minimum description length (MDL) principle
表 1 实验数据集
Table 1. Experimental data sets
数据名称 类型 结点个数 边个数 YouTube 无向图 1 134 890 2 987 624 LiveJ 有向图 484 751 68 993 773 Math 有向时序图 24 818 50 650 -
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